Chapter 15 ~ Where Is She ?

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Jungkook's POV ~

Scrolling hurriedly through my phone, I find Lisa's number.

( Texts between them. Bold is JK's )

Can I train after school instead of at dawn?

Fine. It didn't seem like you could handle training that early anyway.


( Text sequence is over )

I stuff my phone angrily in my pocket, stalking off to the sports center there to meet her. I push open the double doors, walking to the training room. When I push the door open, I notice that Lisa isn't the only one inside.

"Jisoo ?" I ask. "What are you doing here ?"

"Quit asking questions. I have to go to the movies with Suho in half an hour; I want to get as much exercise as possible," She says, beads of sweat dripping down her body as she squats down low and lifts a huge, overbearing weight.

"Shall we start ?" Lisa asks.

"Yeah...Why didn't we just meet at the track ?"

"We can go next time," She mutters, somewhat put off. Handing me a sweatband, she tosses the stopwatch to me, indifferent to the situation.

"Aren't you going to time me ?" I ask. She nods, taking the stopwatch off my palm. She puts a small red whistle in her mouth, blowing into it as she clicks the stopwatch. I rush forward, completing a lap. When I reach the finish line, the look on her face isn't as pleasant as I wanted it to be.

"What ?" I ask.

"Jisoo ?" Lisa calls, "You still have some time before you've to go, right ?"

"Yeah... Why ?"

"Race Jungkook," Lisa says, getting the stopwatch ready. Jisoo sets down the weight, huffing, and puffing as she wipes the sweat trickling near her eyelids. Meeting me at the starting line, she gets into form, her calf muscles bulging from the adrenaline.

As if time slows down, I hear the slow beep of the stopwatch and the harsh, elongated chirp of the whistle. Out 'the corner of my eye, I see Jisoo make an early start. Thinking childishly, I rush forward, eager to get in front of her. A small smile overturns my features as I gain some distance from her. The last straight approaches as I ignore my burning muscles. Out of nowhere, I see Jisoo flit past me, speedy yet strongly paced, passing the finish line 5 seconds before me.

"What was that ?" Lisa asks, "You got too confident."

"I know. Stop pointing out the obvious." I snap, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"If it was obvious, you'd fix it. Stop being short with me." She says.

"I gotta go," Jisoo says, panting at her phone. Quickly darting out the training room, the door slams shut behind her.

"I don't even have to let you train me. Tone down your attitude," I say, knowing it's wrong the minute I say. Expecting her to freak out, I plug my ears, heavily experienced in being yelled at.

"What are you doing ?" she says, pursing her lips to force back a laugh.

"You're not mad ?"

"Got no reason to be. It's all true anyway. But if you don't want to continue, you can drop out." she says, knowing perfectly well that I wouldn't back out.

"Yeah, yeah. Next exercise." I say, subtly. Sitting on the floor I stretch both legs in front of me, my palms surpassing my shoes.


As the sun sets over the building, a warm glow enters the training room, casting a mellow glow over Lisa's face. Blocking the light with her palms, she helps herself up before I can, grabbing my crutches and her bag.

"Let's go. It's getting late," she says, the sunlight playing with her hair, making it glisten a different way each second. I grab my bag off the floor, grasping the handle in my hand, not bothering to sling it over my shoulders. Walking to dorms, she limps her way toward the girl's building.

"It's going to be weird staying alone," She laughs, readjusting her bag into what seemed to be a more comfortable position. "Jisoo's supposed to come back after 2 more hours," She says, glancing briefly at her phone.

"I thought she only had to watch one movie ?" I ask, trying my best to ignore that her phone wallpaper was her and BamBam.

"No. She has to watch 3. Jen does too. She's probably sobbing her eyes out right now.." Lisa laughs, walking to the stairwell.

"Wait !" I say, effectively getting her attention, "Want to come to our dorm ?"

"That's allowed ?" She asks, surprised.

"Yeah. Just no overnight guests though," I say. She nods, limping over. Walking up the stairwell, I help her hobble up the gray stairs, catching her once when she nearly falls. Knocking on the door, Jin opens up, archery equipment still on him.

"Just got back ?" I ask, letting Lisa in. He doesn't question, welcoming her in.

"No," He says sheepishly, "I was tired when I came back so I accidentally slept in this," He says, motioning to the narrow tube of arrows still on his back. He slings the case off his back, letting them land on his mattress. "Where's Jisoo ?" He asks.

Lisa glances at me uneasily as she shifts her balance. I avoid her gaze, trying to act as casually as possible.

"Where is she ?" He repeats, becoming a bit more skeptical.

"You really don't know ?" Lisa asks.

"Don't know what ?"

"She's at the movies with Suho."

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