Chapter 82 ~ Nightmare (Pt.1)

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

At some point, he'd fallen asleep, his head facing her while she drives. After about 30 minutes, she stared in awe at him by a stoplight, realizing she'd been talking to nobody all along. A couple minutes later, he'd softly taken her free hand off her lap blindly, holding it and rustling around in his seat, his eyes still closed. 

Eventually, her hand was sandwiched between his cheek and the seat, her arm getting sore as they drive onto a narrow passage. She slips out of his grasp, nervously driving on the thin road with no safety rails. Below, raging waters crashed against the cliffs, and the fresh pine trees sent birds into a frenzy of wild chirping. 

When they finally arrived, she groans and stretches her arm, rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck before tapping him awake. "We're here." She says, ruffling his hair up. 

No answer. 

She takes a deep breath, a wicked smile already on her face, "You look so cute in that bonnet !" She yells.

He flinches awake, feeling his head and sighing in relief when there was no obnoxiously vibrant pink cloth wrapped around his head like a bread basket ribbon. 

"Well, that got you awake." She smirks, hopping out of the car. He follows, helping her with her bag and trotting to the lodge where 6 chuckling figures had just arrived. 

"Oh, hey, you're here !" Jimin grins. 

"You should see the inside, it looks amazing." Jennie nods. 

"Sure." Lisa shrugs, following them to the entrance of the large wood cabin. There were several other rental lodges around, yet each had their own backyard and a different view of the sea and hills that surrounded the water like a crown. 

The lodge itself was rustic and wooden, a warm cozy atmosphere contrasting with the fresh breeze outside the moment they stepped in. "It's so warm." She says, a little surprised. 

The fireplace had already been lit, and 8, including his and Lisa's luggage, bags were bunched up upon the corner seat of the sofa. "What do you want to do first ?" Taehyung asks.

"I just want to relax today." Jisoo says. "I don't feel like moving."

"You don't ever feel like moving."

"Yeah, me neither." Jungkook nods. "Let's just stay inside." 

"We couldn't go out even if we wanted to." Jennie says, looking up from her phone. 

"Why not ?" Chaeyoung manages though a large yawn. 

"Thunder." She scowls at the small weather forecast being displayed on her phone. "Again." 

Lisa's eyes fade from being happy and content to hesitant and appraising. "I definitely want to stay inside then." 

"Who's making dinner ?"

"Not it." Jungkook and Lisa said at the same time. 

"I wouldn't punish my tastebuds by eating your food anyway." Jimin teases. "I can make it."

"Since when could you cook ?"

"I can't." 

"I'm not a guinea pig."

"You're a pig of some sort." 

"Okay, we can figure all that out later, first lets figure out what to do now that we're here." 

Silence rings after Jisoo's statement, and nobody quite seemed to know what to do, and they ended up talking and skipping dinner that day, retiring at around midnight to their bedrooms. 

By then, the thunder had started, and Lisa lay quivering in her unfamiliar bedsheets, staring up at the ceiling and flinching each time a clap of thunder had struck down again. She clutched her large yellow bunny tight, smothering it in a hug and nearly getting it to combust when her grasp on it gets too tight. He was a couple rooms away from her, wondering if he should check on her. 

"Maybe I should." He mutters, quietly walking to her door. He hesitates when he doesn't hear a sound and assumes she's already asleep, much to his surprise. Though something feels off, he walks back to his room, thumping down on the mattress and being just as awake as he was before. 

At around one in the morning, she'd succumbed to her exhaustion her eyelids getting too heavy to ignore, but he had not, constantly twisting around and trying to find a comfortable way to sleep. 

She was moaning and swatting at the air, flinching around with her eyebrows knotted in the center of her forehead. Her arms groped around her bed blindly, searching for someone in hopes that she wasn't alone. She felt a leg, and opened her eyes, retracting her hand and staring at the foreign man perched on the corner of her bed. He wasn't foreign in race, but was foreign in a way that she'd never seen him before. What was he doing in her room ? 

His eyes glowed strangely, and he smiled at her, only his teeth were sharp triangles that looked more like fangs. She flinched, taken aback and backing up against the headboard when he got up, chuckling maniacally in her ear. She tried to let her mattress consume her because for some reason, her legs were stuck. Not in the way that the bedsheets had entangled her, but she couldn't move. He grabbed her and walked to the window where the curtains started to blow even though she swore there hadn't been any wind a second ago.

"Please don't." She whimpers, and he simply hisses, throwing her body against the glass barrier between her and a 50 foot drop. 

She felt her stomach swoop at the sense of her falling, and she sits upright, her eyes wrenched open with beads of sweat running down her body. 

"Just a nightmare." She says in disbelief. 

She sighs in fear, pushing the sheets off her and wiping the sweat off with a spare towel. She pushes her door open and tugs it close behind her, her blanket wrapped tight around her body. 

The large yellow bunny remained limp on her mattress. 

She didn't care that she barely had anything on, just a silk tank camisole and a pair of shorts, but she walked hastily down the hallway, reaching his door and tenderly reaching her hand out from between the overlaps of the blanket. Her hand was shaking, and her hair was attractively messy, her lip trembling slightly with a slight whimper of surprise when another strike of lightning strikes down outside. 

Just as she'd been about to knock on his door, he'd swung it open, staring in shock at her trembling figure. Her lips were shaking noticeably, but she managed to stutter the following. 

"Hold me." 

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