Chapter 89 ~ Waiting Room

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Can I go back to insulting you, now ?"

"Please." She laughs, nodding. "I miss it." 

She supposed they had a weird relationship. But in a way, it was probably the strongest type though somebody probably flagged one of them down for verbal abuse if they ever heard their banter. 

The nurse pops in, clipboard in hand like it was sign of her regaining her sanity. "She's ready to go." The woman smiles, holding up a bag. "We dry cleaned her clothes for her." 

"Thank you." He smiles politely, taking the bag and putting it on Lisa's gurney. He waits till he hears the door close and the nurses footsteps fade away before asking her, "Do you need help to change into these ?" He holds up his sweatshirt and her loose shorts that had lost the blood stains. 

"I don't know." She admits. 

He holds her shoulders steady while her hands slip on the shorts with slight difficulty. She eyes his clean jersey and hoodie wearily. "Don't think you can do it ?" He asks, taking the cloth. 

"Of course I ca-" She winces sharply just from the movement of trying to take the jersey. He scoffs and turns her around. 

"Don't be stubborn." He mutters. 

He unbuttons the hospital gown with ease, gently pushing it off her shoulders. She bites her lips in nervousness, wondering if he was going to pause to stare at the scars. He didn't. Instead, he payed them no attention, leaving a soft kiss on the back of her shoulder before softly pulling his jersey over her head. "Want the sweatshirt or no ?"

She shakes her head no, but he thinks a step ahead of her, feeling her forehead and pulling that piece of clothing over her head too. She sighs, taking his hand before he could progress further out the hallway. "Hm ?"

"I don't want to be asked questions." 

"Who said I was going to let anybody smother you ?" He raises an eyebrow. 

"What ?"

"I'm smuggling you out." He grins, winking at her. "After we tell the receptionist of course, but otherwise, I'm keeping you hidden." 

She never felt a stronger urge to kiss him. 

"Wouldn't that be hard to do ?" She asks instead of pouncing on him. "It's not easy to ignore either of us when they're probably looking at every person who walks through those doors." 

"Sure, they'll see you." He shrugs. "They'll probably talk to you too. But I'm making sure there'll be no questions." 

She felt her passion for the boy in front of her wash over her in gratitude as she manages a small yet heavily sincere, "Thanks, Soft Boy. That's...really sweet." 

"Shut it." He grimaces. "You chose peanut mode, you're getting peanut mode." He smiles when she laughs at him, taking his hand and walking out. 

Normally, they'd have a couple feet of distance between them when they weren't alone, but for once, she felt like she had to be close to him to feel less nervous. He pushes through the door, shooting her an encouraging smile before leading her out the hallway. At the last moment, she let go of his hand, and he sent her a knowing smirk. "I knew you'd do that." 

She heads out with him next to her, her hair in a bun because that's what she'd woken up with. Surprisingly, when 6 friends immediately ran over to her, Jungkook didn't say 'no questions' in specific, but rather signaled it through his eyes. 

"What happe-"

"The sky is blue."

"No, I'm asking what ha-"

"Shrek is sexy."


Eventually, they got the point and stopped asking after two measly, futile attempts at doing so. That was until her obnoxious nephew stepped in. "Hey, couldn't you survive faster ?" He drawls, getting out his Nintendo. "Mom made me come here. It's so boring." 

It took 3 people to silently restrain Jungkook from punching the boy. 

All it took to stop him was Lisa's gentle touch on his fist. "It's okay." He eased up, but his anger was still burning. He wasn't short tempered, but as he'd proven with Suho, talking about her in any way less than dignified could get you severely bruised around him. 

"You can go now." She says nonchalantly, as if she was used to everyone but her parents in her family treating her this way. 

"No I can't." He scoffs. "Aunt wants me to make sure you make it home safe."

"She will." Jungkook insists. "With me. You can leave if you like." 

"Wimp." The boy scoffs at Lisa's frail looking form. Usually, she looked healthy, but blood drainage didn't exactly make you look young and beautiful. He punches her shoulder. "You had an ambulance come get you because you couldn't handle some pain." 

Before she could retort, Jungkook had. 

"I'll have a doctor come get you." He says, his voice soft like velvet yet that seemed to make him a thousand times more deadly. "See how much pain you can take." 

Lisa pulls him back, drawling casually. "It was trauma too." She explains. "I saw your ugly face before I went in. They might've put me on life support out of the sheer panic I felt." 

The boy's nostrils flared in anger. "I'm not ugly. You are." 

"She is ?" Jungkook threatens challengingly, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"No." For the first time, the boy's voice wavers. "What happen-"

"No questions." He scowls, shooting an apologetic glance at 6 silent yet understanding figures and walking her out the hospital doors. 

He opens the car door for her, smirking at her face. "Bet you would look real nice in a bonnet just about now."

"And you're back to being a peanut-brain." She laughs, patting his shoulder when he sits in the drivers seat. 

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