Chapter 83 ~ Nightmare (Pt.2)

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I can't leave you guys hanging ;) 

This chapter is a continuation of the last chapter.

And this chapter is extra long just because I felt like dumping a shit load of fluff writing on you guys. 


3rd Person's POV ~ 

Jungkook groans into his pillow, pushing it off and ruffling his hair up. "So much for wanting to get some sleep." He mutters. 

His ears perk up at the slight creak of the floorboards outside his bedroom door, but he thinks better of it. After all, the whole lodge was wood. It was bound to creak a little. 

But he was wrong. He hears a slight whimper of terror outside his door, and it sounds impeccably like Lisa's voice tuned several pitches higher. He swings his legs over the ledge of his bed and hoists himself up, slipping on a jet black sweatshirt in case it turned out not to be her, and tugging the hem of it past the waistline of his shorts. 

His hand doesn't hesitate this time, softly wrenching open the door to find who he expected it would be, but not in the state he thought she'd be in. 

She was trembling, wrapped in a blanket from head to toe, and through the flaps of the bedsheets, he could see a thin sliver of her pale leg peeking out from the red comforter. He was sure his mouth was agape, but he couldn't help it. 

"Hold me." 

"Sorry, what ?" He manages to stutter, successfully bringing a sweet rosy blush to her cheeks.

"I said hold me, Soft Boy." 

Without another word, she puts her arms out, driving into him as if he wasn't there. Her arms wrapped around his waist, her gaze fixed on his chest because her ego told her not to look into his eyes. She walked like he was invisible, forcing him to take steps backward in confusion. His hands touch her shoulders, trying to stop her. 

Thankfully, he managed to shut and lock the wooden door before she lugged him away. He tried to protest, but it took him some time to snap out of his initial shock. 

"Shortie, what are you doing-"

Before he got a chance to get an answer, she fell on him, pushing him down on the mattress with her on top of him, her blanket encasing both of them in warmth. Instinctively, he caught her, arms launching to catch her waist, and in the process, his face had burrowed in her neck. 

After a mess of limbs, and quiet yet soft 'What's going on's, he managed to get her to lie on her back on his pillow while he walks around to the cold side of the bed and lifts the sheets, climbing in. He radiated warmth and comfort, so it was no surprise when she crawled over and hugged his side. 

"I have no idea what's going on." He chuckles softly at her serene expression. Her eyes were closed, yet she refused to let him pull away. 

"Just scared." She shrugs, drifting away from him and putting a comfortable distance between the two. Which was, in other words, about 2 inches. 

"It's fine." His lips meet her forehead. "You don't have to explain." 

The feeling of dread washed away from her body in an instant. Of course he's too much of a gentleman to ask what happened. How could she think he would ?

"Thanks." She manages a small smile. 

"In other news," He drawls ridiculously casually. "I can't sleep." 

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