Chapter 102 ~ Beached All Night

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

She looked astounded for a moment before a bright smile spreads across her face and she simply says, "It's a place only I know."

"You drive." He offers, dropping his keys into her palm.

She starts to drive for a couple minutes before smiling at the silence and saying, "Since we're both all dressed up, it'll feel like a date." 

"That's the first thing you think about ?" He cracks a grin, taking her free hand off her lap and into his. 

They drove for a couple minutes, her fixedly driving with her beautiful eyes set on the road in front of her while he didn't care much for his surroundings, gently playing with her fingers. At one spotlight, his thumb had run over a small scar, and she'd stiffened. He sneaks a glance at her before letting his lips meet the spot and continue to mindlessly play with her warm hand like nothing happened. 

"Where are we going ?" 

"It's a secret." She smiles, her lips sealed tight both literally and figuratively.

"Well that doesn't worry me at all." He says sarcastically, smiling slightly when she laughs. 

After a while, he asks, "Why did you agree to come to my mom's house?"

"What ?"

"When she asked you. I thought you'd say no." 

"Because." She shrugs. "I assumed you were going to be there."

"Yeah." He grimaces. "I got talked into going." 

"How ?" She grins. 

"I don't really know, to be honest." He sighs, smiling when she starts to laugh again. "I just went into the house thinking 'Say hi and leave', and I came out thinking 'What the fuck happened'."

She smiles and slips her hand out of his grasp, ruffling his hair up. "You're a gentle guy." She says like she'd noticed that for the first time.

"I'm a guy." He nods morosely. "In a shocking turn of events, I ended up being gentle too." 

She laughs and slaps his shoulder in a way that should've infuriated him, but made him smile instead. "I think we're here." She grins. She opens his hand and puts the keys on his palm, opening her door and closing it behind her. 

"The beach ?" He asks, a little confused. 

"Not just any beach." She smiles, taking his hand and tugging him further into the sandy fortress. 

There was a small alcove, separated from small sand dunes where the sand granules seemed softer. She sat down and tugged him down next to him, and to his surprise, the sand didn't stick to his clothes. The waves reached up higher there, lapping up at their feet which were now bare, their shoes off to the side. 

"I'm sorry." She huffs, like she'd been meaning to say that for longer than he thought. His head snapped to her in surprise, a soft crack arising from his neck. 

"What ?"

"I'm sorry. That's what I was going to say earlier." She explains, looking at the moon that was steadily rising over the ocean. 

"Why ?" For some reason, it felt like he could only say one worded statements.

"Because I think I got mad at you just for the sake of it." She mumbles, very ashamed. "It's not really your fault, and you didn't have to confront Tzuyu." 

"You were right." He gulps back the urge to spit out another one word question. "I didn't clearly tell her to stop. I just thought that if she wouldn't back off with insults, she probably wouldn't have decided not to come near me with the word 'stop'." 

"And that's why I'm apologizing." She looks at him, her arms wrapped around her knees which were pulled to her chest. "Because I realized it was just me holding a grudge against her. Not you." 

"In any case, it doesn't matter." He shrugs, putting his hand palm-up between them. "Are we good now ?" 

She smiles and scoots closer to him, quickly scowling and standing up. "What ?" He asks. "Does it hurt ?" 

She shakes her head and simply secures her hand around the bottom hem of her dress, ripping a fair inch off the bottom ring. "It was getting uncomfortable." She says sheepishly, resisting the urge to chuck her elegant white flats into the calm sea. 

He looked shocked for a moment before he started to laugh, pulling her back down next to him knowingly. "You never liked dresses." He says to himself, smiling like that was something only he knew about her. 

He glanced at her beside him, watching as she didn't hesitate to play with the sand and let the water dampen her legs and ruin the white silk of her beautiful attire. She didn't mind getting her dress dirty, and it was one of the many wonderful things about her. She rarely had materialistic value for things. 

She stared at the ocean, her black ponytail in shambles. She seemed to realize that, carelessly ripping out the rubber band and pocketing it, ruffling her hair up like she might do when she just woke up. He smiles at the contrast of the situation. 

Her elegant attire that would be fit for a red carpet not because of her clothes, but because of the way they looked on her. And somehow, she also wasn't fit for a fashion show in that attire because she'd ripped half of it off, and the half that remained intact was moist and crumpled.

"We're good." She answers his question from earlier, smiling both at him and to silently apologize for ruining their moment just to rip silk off of her. 

"Well then this is long overdue." He grins at her confusion, pulling her closer. 

He kissed her straight on the lips, not beating around the bush for once. His hand was on the back of her neck, her long black hair being the only thing preventing his warm touch seeping onto her cold skin. Her hand slowly floats up to his shoulders, practically melting into him. He pulls away a little too early for her liking, smiling and looking at her. 

"We should probably get back home." 

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