Chapter 45 ~ Slightly Disappointed

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Oh god, that was ridiculous." He cackles at her. She laughs along with him, grasping his hand a little tighter in the pocket of her skirt. 

They'd grown much closer from when they first met that evening at the bottom of the stairwell, their shoulders almost glued together. They didn't mind the lack of space between them, though in the beginning, they couldn't stop blushing. Now, it felt natural. 

The night started to loom over as the carnival stands started to string lights over the frame of their booths to drag people to the light and warmth. 

It was dark enough for the owls to tuck in, but the stalls and booths set beyond them vibrated under the moonless night that the darkness was hardly remembered. Most people wandered from stall to stall, sampling mulled wine and skewered meat, fondling velvet-line hood and tokens, but they simply made excuses to be closer, shamelessly offering phrases to each other.

"It's kinda cold."

"Come here, you'll get shoved by the crowd."

"It's getting dark, I won't be able to find you if you're not next to me." 

She understood how people worshiped the carnival around these parts. It was the only time of the year where the day is long but the night was even longer, and the doors of the booths were open for anyone that cared to try their luck at impressing the person who they'd brought along. 

Most people at the carnival were younger, and derived from their college. Friends wishing each other luck with a sneaky wink, people finding excuses to be obnoxiously close to random strangers whom they found attractive. 

The sky was dotted with a few candy-floss clouds as the night starts to cover them up. The entrance could be seen in the distance, and the long queues edged forward slowly. Customers were becoming increasingly excited and impatient as they took a few steps forward every so often. 

Faint music could be heard from beyond the tall gates with the occasional happy scream suddenly piercing the air. Closer to the entrance, and the massive structures of the rides could be seen: a rollercoaster, a big wheel, a helter skelter. Below, younger children stood watching, eating their sweets and snacks. Ice creams wobbled perilously over the cones and dripped down their small fingers as they melted; some munched on brightly colored balls or soft sugar strands that dissolved on the tongue - sweeter than sweet and sticking to the teeth better than glue. A few ate too much and complained to their moms and dads, prying their jaws apart. 

A pair of giggling girls had drifting from a large group of shrieking photocopies, making their way over to a certain pretty girl with brown hair and a tall, muscular boy. One of them reaches out and taps Jungkook's shoulder, getting him to turn around with a startled expression. His hand had let go of Lisa's, making her turn around along with him though she was more confused than annoyed. 

"Yes ?" He asks, slightly irritated. 

"You wouldn't mind if we tagged along with you guys, would you ?" One of them asks. 

"Yes, I'd mind." He says dismissively. 

"That's alright. We won't come." She beams, unfazed to a point where Lisa wondered if that much unawareness could fit into a person. "Could we have your number ?"

"We ?" He raises an intimidating eyebrow. "If I say yes, who are you planning to give it to ?"

"Er-" She looked a bit taken aback. "Nobody." 

"Sorry. No." He says shortly, turning to Lisa. "Let's go ?" She nods, a tight lipped smile stuck on her face. 

"Could you think about it ?" The girl asks, clutching his forearm. 

He snatches it out of her grasp, a glare clouding over his eyes. Lisa remained blissfully unbothered, peering at the screen of her phone. "If you could be kind enough to get lost." He asks, ruthlessly continuing. "I'm not interested in dating anyone." 

That seemed to shut their mouths, their overly coated lips sticking back together as their skin burns even through the caked material on their cheeks. They scamper off, heading off and reattaching back to the group they'd split apart from, violently shushing the rest of the sneering girls. 

"Not interested in dating anyone, huh ?" She chuckles disappointedly. 

"Yeah, of course I'm not." He says, become bolder and bolder by the second. "I already have you in mind." 

They swerve away from the crowd, heading to a secluded park where they find a clean bench perfectly illuminated by a lamppost. 

"About what I said earlier." He shuffles his feet against the ground, not sitting down. She'd been about to, but pulls herself back up in her curiosity. "I meant it. I really like you."

It felt like the tension that had existed between them had been cut with a knife, a brilliant smile finally exuding itself on her face. 

"Cool." She punches his shoulder. "I like you too." She grins, making his smile grow in disbelief. 

"Really ?" He asks. 

"Yeah, 'really'," She scoffs. "D'you think I'm lying ?"

"Prove i-"

His phone rings right when he starts to gain confidence, and he's never felt a stronger urge to chuck it so hard that it breaks. "Jin." He growls, his fingers angry scrambling against the keyboard. 

"Maybe we should get back home." She suggests, the smile on her face not disturbed. 


She couldn't sleep. 

It was midnight, and her fucking eyes just wouldn't close. Whether it was her excitement about him that was keeping her up or the disappointment that nothing had happened.

Either way, she whipped out her phone, mustered her courage and texted him to meet her. Given that he'd replied not a second after probably meant he was stuck in a similar situation. She refused to take off her bunny slippers, stuffing them into sandals and walking down the stairs with heavy feet. 

"Hey." He smiles at the sight of her bundled body with her face amongst the thick layers of who knows how many jackets she had on. 

"Hey." She grins, her cheeks pushed up and nearly blinding her. She takes his hand, hopping down to the last stair and staying there, staring right at him. 

He was still taller than her, but only slightly. Though she was wearing what could be considered two shoes, so she supposed she could give him the benefit of the doubt. 

"Can't sleep ?" She asks. He purses his lips, shaking his head and looking back at her, wondering if she was going to do what he didn't have the guts for. "Me neither." She admits sheepishly. 

"Why not ?" He asks. 

"I don't do things half assed." She grins boldly. 

Her hands fly to his collar, tugging him closer. Her lips meet his, her head only slightly lower than his as his eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. 

Forget not being able to sleep, he didn't think he'd be able to close his eyes for the rest of the night. 


*A/N : 

It finally happened :) 

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