Chapter 58 ~ Truth or Dare

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Kiss the girl next to you." 

The room goes eerily quiet, and Jin's wicked smile spreads wider and wider every second. "What?" Jungkook asks, stifling a smile. 

"Kiss her, if she's okay with it of course." Jin looks at Lisa who nods and freezes. "On the cheek is fine." 

Jungkook shrugs and casually leans over, his lips meeting her right cheek very briefly before she blushes bright red and covers her face with her hair. Jin's jaw drops to say the least. "Is everything okay ?" Jungkook grins. 

"You just--her--are you--?" He stutters incorrigibly. "What was that ?"

"Don't tell me you want one." Lisa grins. 

"Of course not !" 

"I did my part. I did the dare." Jungkook smiles. 

"We didn't expect you to do it so casually !" Jimin insists. 

"Are you two dating ?" Jisoo asks skeptically. 

"Yeah." Lisa squeaks, her hoodie covering everything but her eyes. "Yeah, we are." 

He looks warmly over, hiding a growing smile and nodding in confirmation before a massive uproar arises. "Why didn't you tell us ?!" comes from several different people in the room mashed with even bigger cacophonies of "For how long ?!" 

"Well why didn't you tell us, airhead ?" Jennie asks.

"Oh, the irony." Lisa smiles evilly, looking straight at the girl who simmers down quickly and blushes.

"Relax. It's been a couple weeks." He shrugs, getting them to calm down. "We started dating right before you guys fought, and we just figured we didn't want to tell you just yet."

"Why not ?" Jisoo asks, genuinely upset. "We would've been happy for you guys. Everybody would have been happy for you guys."

"We didn't doubt that, of course, we just felt that your needs were greater than ours at the time." Lisa says. 

"It's okay, the only thing that matters is that you're finally together." Jisoo smiles. 

"It took nearly 7 months for them to get to this point." Taehyung points out. 

"Yeah, yeah, let's move on." Jungkook rolls his eyes, turning to Lisa. "Truth or dare ?"

"Dare." She doesn't hesitate, sounding identical to him when he'd said the same a couple minutes ago. 

"Skive off two classes." He grins. "Coach said you could, and I highly doubt he meant it. I'd just like to test my hypothesis." 

"That's not a bad idea." 


"This isn't a good idea, let's go !" The boy hisses at his friend who was more of a superior than a comrade. "Listen, we'll only get ourselves in trouble." 

"Shut up. I'm getting that jerk back. It still hurts to talk." Kai mutters, rubbing his jaw.

"In his defense, he told you to shut up and you just continued." The boy behind him squeaks. 

"All I said was I wanted to cop a feel of her, is that so wrong ?"

"Yes. Entirely wrong." The boy insists. 

"I don't care. He deserves some punishment for punching me." Kai says, pulling Xiumin out of the bushes. It was midnight, and the headmaster's office still had the light on in the room, his working shadow highlighting his hands writing on a paper and switching it out for a new pen when the old one died. 

"Let's go." He mutters harshly. They walk into the quarters, knocking on the door. The old yet primped man hesitantly sets down his water fountain pen and groans as he lifts off the chair, walking slowly to the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming !" He shouts hoarsely when the knocking doesn't cease. "People have no consideration these days....It's all about them." He grumbles opening the door. "Who're you two ?"

"We're students, sir." Kai says, immediately pulling a kind smile over his previously malicious features. 

"Well you're not delivery boys are you ? That is, of course, unless you're delivering dissatisfaction. Because in that case, I'd like a refund." 

"Old bat." Kai murmurs as the man ushers them to the seats in front of his large oak desk and closes the door. 

"What did  you need ?" The man asks, tucking his tie back into his slightly ruffled suit. 

"I'd like to file a complaint." He says confidently. "Along with my friend here, of course." The meek boy grimaces before nodding reluctantly. 

"What are you, some trust fund boy ?"

"N-no sir, but I'm unhappy with something that happened recently and would like to file a complaint." 

"Well as long as we're at it, I'd like to file a complaint too." The man leans forward, his hands resting on the wood of the desk. "For two imbeciles coming to disturb me at midnight because they can't wait till morning." 

"Yes, sorry for that, but since we're already here, may we talk about our experience ?"

"Ha," The man scoffs, rubbing his temples. "Fine." 

"I got punched the other day by another student." 

"When ?"

"After archery practice." 

"That's after school hours. I can't control that." 

"Sir, please !" 


"With what ? He punched me and left." 

"I'm getting old and my job is only aging me faster." He groans, getting off his fancy seat and snatching the master key to the student dorms. "Alright, who did it ?"

"Kim Seokjin and Kim Jisoo." 

"Jisoo ?" He raises an eyebrow past his monocle. "She's a polite kid. There's no way you got punched by her unless you were the idiot." 

"Please sir, it's better to question a suspected attacker than let them go." 

"Oh please, boy, you're acting like you got shot for god's sake." He grumbles pushing open the door. "Let's go." 

"Where ?" The meek boy speaks. 

"We're going to their dorm." 

"But they don't live together." 

"Yes, but I do know they're friends. And most students are awake even at this hour, it won't be hard to find them. Unless you're lying about this whole thing. Then you'll be looking at severe consequences." He says, hobbling up the dormitory stairs. 

He stares at the clipboard in his hand and reads the ceramic label next the the door he'd stopped at. "This is the right room." He nods quietly, knocking. The laughter inside continues, though a certain tinkling laugh draws closer and closer, the owner of the charming chuckle opening the door. 

"May I help you, sir ?"

"Yes, er- May I speak to Kim Jisoo and...Kim Seokjin ?" 

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