Chapter 75 ~ Talking About Her

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3rd Person's POV ~ 


(Flashback) ~ 

"Because she deserves respect. Everybody does." He goes back to lifting weights, but he was put off.

"Do you think I can seduce her ?"

"Do you think I'm afraid of punching the living daylights out of you ?"

"No, I bet you could."

"Then shut up."


"Your cause of death, your choice." 

Again, silence fills the gym though this time it's not in uncomfortableness. It's in anger. Jungkook thought back to her drowsy form from before the gym, and his thoughts flitted with frustration. 

She was innocent no matter how dirty the jokes she said were. It seemed like a sin to say something like that about her. 

"Have you know, gone further ?" Suho wasn't grimacing or grumbling like he was outside the gym anymore. He was now smiling maniacally, his fingers tracing hotbloodedly over his bottom lip. 

"Than punching ?" Jungkook asks. "For you, I just might." 

"No, I meant with her. Have you ever gone further ?"

At first, he thought of telling the truth : No. But he didn't see any reason to leak details, so what came out of his mouth instead was, "None of your business, asshole." 

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm the one that likes her for her body." 

"It seems like it." 

"Do you think I can cop a feel ?" He muses. "Maybe get under that skirt?" 

It was the final string. 

Something inside Jungkook's chest snapped, and he dropped the weight with a clang on the gym floor, his hand ready to strike in the latter's face. "What did you say ?"

"Whoa, calm down." Suho laughs, though something about the tremor in his fake chuckle wasn't teasing or cynical like usual. 

He was scared. 

And for a good reason too. Jung kook's muscles were roughly the size of Suho's face, and his strength was incomparable with anybody else from school. Even the track teacher's. He gulped back a strangled cry of help and decided to fight for himself. 

"You wouldn't want to get in trouble for inflicting violence again, would you ?" He grins maliciously. 

"How do you even know about that ?"

"It doesn't matter."

"You're right it doesn't." Jungkook sighs, taking a deep breath and loosening his grip on the fist.

She wouldn't want you to punch him, he thought. She'd want to punch him herself

"See ?" Suho smirks. "You know I'm right. You've given up on fighting for her side." 

No mercy was shown this time around. 

Jungkook smashed the boy's body against brick wall of the building, some of the equipment rattling as an after effect. "S-sorry."

"Too late." Jungkook growls, pulling his fist back and letting it launch forward against Suho's face. He hears a sickening groan of pain from him and drops him as a result. "You're lucky I didn't punch you more." 

"You're lucky I didn't force her to consent." 

(End Flashback)


(Back to present) 

3rd Person's POV ~ 


Jung kook's fist slammed into the gym wall behind Suho's head, several chunks of bricks crumbling away from the infrastructure.

"Don't talk about her like that." He says, anger surging through every vein in his body and pulsing through his fist which was still clenched by his side.

"Personally, I don't think I said anything wrong."

"Go rot in hell." He snarls, swinging his gym bag over his shoulder. 

"Not going to work out ?" Suho growls, raw anger burning inside his stomach. "Are you going to punch more innocent students ?"

Instead of punching him again, Jungkook simply turns to him, a decent bit of distance between them. "I'm not a violent guy."

"This says otherwise." He points grudgingly to his face. 

"What do you want me to say ?"

"Explain this !" He insists, pointing again to the large bloody bruise on his cheek. 

"I warned you. I get defensive over her, and you didn't listen. It's your fault." 

"You don't think she'd hate you for this ?"

"Hate me for what ?"

"Punching me ?"

"I might not be a violent guy, but she is." He almost smiles fondly in remembrance, but bites the grin back. "If she were here she'd be coaching me from the stands." 

"Saying what ?"

"Sock him in the gut, jab at his neck, something along those lines." 

"And you like that ?"

"How could I not ?"

"Why ?"

"Because...she can defend herself."

"Then why did you punch me ?"

"It was a blessing. An act of pity, if you will. Had I let her punch you, you'd be on a stretcher by now." 

"She isn't that powerful."

"Want to conduct an experiment ?"

"N-no, no, definitely not." He says. "I need to sit down." 

Suho staggers to the bleachers, feeling the blood with his fingers and wincing when he accidentally pokes too hard. "Was this really necessary." 

"You had it coming. I'm not usually violent, but I get angry pretty easy." 

"So have you ever gotten angry at her ?"


"Never ?"

"I don't think I can either." 

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