Chapter 32 ~ Pure Idiocy

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*A/N : 

Stay safe ❤️


3rd Person's POV ~  

"Ack- ! I raised you ! I raised you, and this is what I get ?!"

The door opens with a whip, a certain brunette walking in, flicking the water off a device in her hands. She looks up, her large eyes widening at the sight before her.

"I-I thought you were sick." 

Jungkook lets go of Jin who massages the faint red lines at the base of his throat, both looking guiltily at her. 

"I am !" He insists loudly. Jin stomps on his foot, and he grunts back the pain, his eyes watering. "I am." He says more confidently, yet less boisterously. 

"Then why're you chasing each other around if you're supposed to be resting?" She raises a single sharply arched eyebrow at them. "Don't just stand there, tell me." She scoffs. 

"He- uhm- he tried to take my water away from me." Jungkook stutters. "And I wanted to drink some." 

"Uh-huh." She says unimpressed. "How come the glass is in the exact same spot where you left it?" 

"He threatened me with it. He didn't actually do anything." Jungkook says, nudging the taller boy beside him with his elbow. 

"Right ! He wanted water, so I just wanted to blackmail him-"

"Doesn't matter." She waves away their abundantly false claims. "Sit. We have to take your temperature again."

"Do we ?" He chuckles awkwardly, kicking Jin out of the room and shutting the door. She pushes him gently to sit against the headboard, pushing the sheets over his legs.  

"Yes." She insists firmly. He blows at the glass of water as much as possible, trying his look at cooling it down before she stuffs the device in his mouth. 

"Hey, whath tath ?" He mumbles. 

"Sorry ?" She cracks a grin. 

"What's that ?" He annunciates, pointing behind her. She looks behind her, rolling her eyes before doing so. He slips the thermometer out between his lips and dips it in the now warm water, stuffing it back in his mouth and nearly choking when she turns back to look at him.  

"You okay ?" She asks, taking the device from him. "Your eyes are a bit watery."

"I'm fine." He says, stifling a cough that had graced him as the after affect of choking on a thermometer. "Do you know what the tale of the third eye is ?"

"No. Superstitions are, and I don't mean to offend you, but they're stupid." She says. 

"Right, well this one's not. They say if your eyes get watery at the same time the sun goes down, the third eye will open." 

"And then what, I'll have to take you to a vet ?"

"Since my third eye is open, will I be able to see ghosts ?" He asks, batting his eyelashes at her, aiming to erase her previous suspicion which had grown into distaste. 

"If I hit you hard enough, you'll see stars, that's for sure." She smirks, making him grin. 

Lisa's POV ~ 

I'm not an idiot. 

Of course I know he's faking it. To be quite honest, I've never seen anything nearly as dumb as what had played out nearly an hour ago.

198 degrees ? Really ? But where's the fun in confronting them right away ? 

I'm going to have a little fun with this....

"Are you hungry ?" I ask. He snaps back awake, his eyes batting quicker and then going back to the pathetic slow march he'd been doing before. 

"Huh-?" He asks stupidly. I stare pointedly at him, raising my eyebrow yet again ; There was no doubt that after doing that gesture a couple more times, I'd be booking myself for a migraine. "Oh, yeah, a little bit." He nods. 

"I'm going to go buy some food." I sigh, getting up from the swivel chair that had his now less moist shirt hanging on the back of it. 

"No." He pleads, catching my wrist softly. "It's dark out, and I don't want you going alone." 

"I can fight for myself." 

"I'm not saying you can't." He starts to blush, releasing my hand and looking elsewhere. "It's just that I'm really scared of the dark, so I thought you might be too." He glances at me sheepishly, reverently avoiding my gaze when our eyes match. 

"Right." I say, biting back a smile. "Well I'm not scared of the dark, so you don't have to worry."

"Just don't go. I'm not hungry anyway." He says, his eyes giving away the wholesome lie. 

"Fine, fine." I give in, tapping his shoulder. "Will you at least tell me why I shouldn't go ?"

"I'll give you a reason. It's because I'm sick, and you're not supposed to get a sick person's heart rate up." He says snootily. "Therefore, I prefer you stay here." 

"You have a fever, posh boy." I shove him. "You're not a hospital patient. And why would my going out worry you anyway." 

"Well what else is it supposed to do ?" He asks, genuinely curious. "You're telling me that you're going to go out there alone at night, to buy food out in the cold, and I'm not supposed to be worried ?"

"Geez, I didn't know you had a soft spot for people." I say sarcastically. 

"Only certain ones." He mutters. 

"But I'm also not supposed to let a sick person go hungry, am I ?" I tease, hiding a grin. 

"Who's sick ?" He blurts before recovering. "Other than me, that is. And I'm not hungry, so there. Problem solved." 

"Yeah, no." I say, getting up. "Going hungry is worse than worrying a little. So I'm going outside and getting you food, and you're staying put in here." 

"I-," He flails his arms in the air exasperatedly before setting them back down. "Why can't you just stay here ? Don't you like to be lazy ?"

"Yes, but I stretch the limits for close friends." I wink, stuffing his sweatshirt back on. 

"Oh, for god's sake." He scowls, marching in front of me and blocking the door when I reach for the elegant silver handle.

"What ?" I ask. 

"Please don't go." He pleads, gently peeling my hand off the knob. 

"Why not ? I'm only trying to help." 

"Because- I- You don't underst- I'm not sick." He stammers. 

"Come again ?"

"I'm not sick. I lied to you." 


*A/N :

I changed it a little from the original ;)

I think it's cuter this way :) 

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