Chapter 38 ~ A Trusted Double-Agent

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"So why's she mad at you ?" Jungkook grins at a disgruntled Jin. 

"How am I supposed to know ? She won't tell me." 

"She shouldn't have to. It's pretty obvious." Taehyung points out, earning a glare and a piece of fresh candy chucked at his head to which he responds, "Thanks. I was getting kind of hungry." 

"Well if it's obvious and I don't get it," Jin starts. "Then obviously there's something I'm missing that would help me figure it out." 

"Yeah. A brain." 

"I swear, I've been racking my mind trying to think about what's wrong ! I haven't even been around her for the last 24  hours, I've really got no clue !" 

"Oi, help the poor boy out." Jungkook grins. "He's going to drive himself mad."

"She's jealous, idiot." 

"Why ?" He asks stupidly. 

"Oh, I don't know, have you been having an affair with a toaster lately ?" Jungkook asks sarcastically. "It's because of those girls in the gym." 

"So she's not mad at me. She's mad at those girls ?"

"She's mad at both." 

"Why me ? I'm innocent." 

"The jury thinks you're guilty." Jungkook shrugs, pounding an imaginary gavel in the air. 

The door swings open, and Jisoo marches through, panic evidently flashing through her eyes. Jin's face fills with concerns, and he reaches out to her, not expecting to be shoved away (much to the amusement of everyone else). 

"Hey, are you oka-" He starts. 

"Shove it, asshole." She demands, shoving his shoulder back. "Where were you ?" She rounds on Jungkook who loses his jovial grin. 

"Why ? What happened ?"

"Idiot ! Jinyoung asked her out." She huffs, blowing the hair out of her face. 

"When ?!" 

"Just now ! I left her with Chae and Jennie to come tell you."

"Did she say yes ?" 

"I- er- yeah. Yeah, she did." She says apologetically. Jungkook throws his hands up in the air, thoroughly irritated. "Go talk to her !"

"And say what ?"

"Tell her not to go."

"Why would I do that ? If she wants to go out with him, it's obviously because she likes him, Jisoo, I won't meddle with her feelings." 

"Well then you've got two options." Jin intercedes, putting two fingers up. "Make her lose interest in him or make him lose interest in her." 

"Not the second one." Jungkook folds one of his fingers down. "I don't want to hurt her." 

"Congratulations." Jisoo grins. "I approve of you for her." 

"What, all of this is fake ?"

"Of course not, I'm not hosting a fucking reality show."

"So are you two mad at each other ?"

"Hell yes." She says confidently at the same time Jin says 'no'. 

"Back to Lisa." Jungkook demands. "How did it even happen ?"


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