Chapter 36 ~ Popcorn and Parks

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3rd Persons' POV ~ 

"So I asked him, 'can we forget this ?'." Lisa says avidly, snatching a piece of popcorn from the large bowl situated on her mattress while the other girls seem to be quite taken to her story. 

All four of them had rushed into the comfort and privacy of Lisa's room the moment they had the chance to ditch the boys and make a run for it. They sat down together, fully stocked with refreshments and things to mindlessly munch on while throwing insults and vicious comments about Jungkook to make her feel better. 

"And what did he say ?" Chaeyoung asks, deeply entranced in the story as a raw kernel fares no match compared to her shiny white teeth. 

"He just said 'yeah'." Lisa scoffs. "As if there wasn't a stupider answer to give." She mutters. She normally wouldn't have acted up like this, but she was tired of beating around the bushes. 

"Did he say anything after ?"

"He said it wasn't my fault." Lisa's brows furrow. "Does that mean he thinks it's a bad thing that we-um- we kissed ?" 

"I don't think so." Jisoo finally speaks up. "He'd never demean you in anyway. He's too polite." 

"Oh, don't make me laugh. He's so cold, I thought he was misogynistic at first. That's far from polite." Jennie scoffs. 

"No, really. Once you get to know him, he respects boundaries I didn't even know existed." Jisoo starts. "And being cold isn't being rude. It just means you're not going out of your way to talk to someone." 

"Back to me !" Lisa demands. "I wanted him to remember ! I asked him that to see what he'd say." She groans. 

"So what answer did you want ?"

"I wanted him to say no." She says bluntly, not realizing the meaning of her statement. 

"Lisa, think it over !" Jisoo demands, shaking her shoulders. "Don't you see what that means ?"

"Er- that I wanted him to say no ?" She guesses, half of her nose scrunched and the other not. 

"No !" She says exasperatedly. "You like him !" 

"We're just frie-"

"You're not friends. Idiots, I'll give you that, but you're more than just an innocent friendship." Jennie snaps. 

"Lisa, think about it. You don't ramble on like you do with him with anyone else. I swear, your mouth runs more than your legs do sometimes." Jisoo presses, continuing. 

"And he listens, for gods sake. I couldn't put up with you if I tried, I don't know how he does it."

"So what should I do ? To make sure he likes me ?" She says shyly, hoping, praying, they wouldn't notice the rising blush in her cheeks. 

"Pay close attention to what he says." Chaeyoung offers, her lips glazed with butter from the now empty bowl of popcorn. "Then when you talk, see if he listens."

"Personally, I don't think he'll do any of that." Jennie muses, getting a slight grin out of them. 

"Hey !" Jisoo smiles, playfully shoving the girl who was trying to find something else to eat. "Don't talk about my brother that way. In other words, I have full faith in him." She claims proudly. 

"What if doesn't ask me to the dance ?" 

"He will." 

"How do you know for sure ?"

"I just kn-"

The doorbell had rung through the dorm, making four heads perk in it's direction. The bell had a strangled sound, as though it's battery was somewhat drained and worn out through the day. Oddly enough, it sounded more shrill in the morning than it did later on in the day. 

"I'll get it." Lisa hops up eagerly. Jisoo follows behind, watching her swing open the door. 

He stood there, a jacket wrapped around his muscular form with the slightest bit of skin peeking out between the hem of his pocket and his hand. "Hey." He smiles. 

"Wh-What are you doing here ?" She stutters in shock while Jisoo carries her amused form to the couch to watch the tragedy play out. 

"Do you want to go to the park ? I have something to ask you." He asks.

"I- yeah, sure." She says, looking around for a jacket. Jisoo drags her back into the warmth of the hallway, flinging one loosely at her. 

"You like him." She whispers in Lisa's ear as she passes. 

"Wh- no, I don't." 

"Then why do you look so happy ?"


"So what did you want to ask ?" She grins, looking at him amidst the thick jacket Chaeyoung made her wear. 

"Er- yeah." He smiles nervously. "Do you want to go to the dance with me ? As friends ?" 

Her breath catches, the slight puffs of air against the ink black sky no longer visible. Her heart started to pound much faster, and she knew for a fact she was redder than the most vibrant tomato in that moment. 

"Yeah. I'd love to." She says finally, smiling kindly. 

He grins back at her, quite obviously relieved. She, in her happiness, had started to rant and laugh about random things while he snuck in a few snarky comments here and there, sometimes earning a brilliant smile, and other times earning a teasing blow to his shoulder which he would never admit hurt like hell. 

Through all of their banter, she noticed something changed on his face every time she opened her mouth to blabber again. Their conversation takes a rare, more soulful approach. She starts to spill about all the stupid things she's done, whether it be letting him know about something big in her life or something minuscule like spilling a droplet of coffee out the side of her mug. Either way, she said everything that flit through her mind with no filter. 

She starts to ask him what she should do to manage with everything going on. And for once, he drops the amusing jibes and takes a more genuine tone. 

He listens as if her words were golden, perhaps some elixir he's been waiting all his days to hear. From what he says next, she can tell he's thinking so deeply, already with a strategy that's several moves ahead of what she's capable of. 

And in his words are a kindness, a concern that is so quick that, for him, it's natural. This attentiveness is a part of who he is and that is, if she's being honest, the most attractive feature she'd seen in a boy for quite some time. 

And as the hours go by, it becomes the best conversation she's ever had, regardless wether it was the best with him or anyone else. To put it simply, she enjoyed it more than she could remember enjoying talking to anyone else. His words flow, with listening and intelligent responses. 

It was the side of him she'd rarely seen; It was the side of him he tried to cover and act like it hadn't existed. It was probably the bit of him that made even a crying baby stop and take a look at. It was indescribable,  but in it's uniqueness, it was comforting. 

And, dare I mention, it was the side of him that she liked most. 

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