Chapter 47 ~ A Blooming Fight

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"You okay ?" Lisa asks, patting Jisoo's back. She grunts and angrily snatches her bag off her bed and stalks off. 

"Why's she so upset ?" Lisa turns, her eyebrows knotted in confusion. 

"She fought with him again." Chaeyoung winces. Jennie merely looks surprised before a dawning look of expectation takes over her features. 

"Was there yelling ?"

"They both aren't the type to shout." Lisa nods knowingly. 

"Yeah." Chaeyoung acknowledges. "They just argued under their breath until Jisoo had enough and ran out of the dorms." 

"He didn't go after her ?" Jennie asks, slightly angry. 

"Of course he did, but she's too fast for him."

"I know, but they've been together for 6 months, you'd think that he'd know where she'd go when she's upset." 

"But she's never been upset with him before." Lisa points out. "This is their first fight."

"As a couple." Chaeyoung says. 

"No." Lisa shakes her head. "Jungkook told me they never fought. Not even as friends." 

"But she's had to have been upset at one point, right ? Maybe not at him, but she's a softie. She's secretly sad about lots of things." Jennie says. "They must've comforted her at least once, they've been friends for more than 14 years." 

"Thats...a good point." Lisa huffs. "Maybe he just wanted to give her some space."

"Maybe..." Chaeyoung mutters unsurely.

"But what caused the fight anyway ?"

"Those girls from the gym." Jennie murmurs, massaging her temples irritatedly. 

"How do you know for sure ?"

"It's pretty obvious. They're always checking him out." Jennie shrugs. "I go in there sometimes to remind Jisoo about projects and schoolwork, and every time I walk in, they're always staring at him."

".....Coincidence ?" Lisa gulps, trying to believe a lie. 

"I've walked in all of 7 different occasions and each time they're eyes are super glued to his muscles. Doesn't seem like a 'coincidence' to me." 

"Geez. Subtly much ?" Chaeyoung scowls. "They don't even try to hide it ?"

"Not really. I mean, how would they even attempt to act like they were just acting normal ?" Lisa asks. "It's not like they're in the gym to use the equipment. They just loiter by the bleachers and scrounge around for guys."

"Ugh...This isn't how I wanted to spend my Sunday." Jennie flops back against Jisoo's bed, her hair flopping out underneath her. "We should be laughing and eating, not discussing Jin's tragic demise."

"He will be missed." Lisa says dramatically, patting a hand over her heart. 

"By who ? His girlfriend's not very far from slapping him." 

"Oh come on, let's not take sides without knowing what's going on." Lisa groans. "We're just going to get ourselves in trouble." 

"I don't care who's fault it is, I just want the fights to stop !" Jennie whines. "They're both beating themselves up over it and they don't know why the other's mad." 

"I think they'll be fine if they just sit down and talk to each other." Lisa says. She slides her bag off her desk and slings it over her shoulder, walking down the hallway. 

"Where are you going ?" A lazy shout resounds from the bedroom that she'd just left. 

"I don't know." She lies. "I'll be out for a while, though." 

She swings the door open and shuts it behind her, pattering down the stairs and firmly thumping against the cemented ground. Jisoo was seen actively ranting to a confused Jungkook who nods stupidly regardless. 

"Hey." Lisa smiles slightly, wondering if it was appropriate to do so. "You okay ?" She taps her friend's back. 

"I honestly don't know what to say." Jisoo sighs, ignoring Lisa's question. 

"Oh. Okay, then. I'm sorry." Lisa nods apologetically. 

"No, of course I'm not saying that to you, stupid." Jisoo rounds on her. "I'm fine, by the way. I was just talking to Jungkook about....stuff." 

"Is that 'stuff' related to Jin ?" Lisa asks. 

"...Yeah. Why can't he understand it from my point of view ?"

"Maybe you guys should just sit down and talk about it." Jungkook offers. Was he going to lose his best friends over this? 

"That's what made us fight in the first place. We tried to talk, and I foolishly let my anger get the best of me." 

"Do you regret it ?" 

"No." She huffs adamantly. "I would've said something worse if I kept it inside." She says, becoming less and less confident in herself as she continues to talk. 

"She's right." Lisa says pointedly. "Just imagine what would've happened if they both blew up at each other." 

"It's better now than later." Jungkook nods. 

Jin walks down the stairs, and Jisoo's eyes meet his for a split second before she throws her hands up in the air a little and promptly pivots around, turning on her heel and climbing up the stairs with soft steps. Jin mutters a quick 'hello' at Jungkook and Lisa before trailing behind her, giving her time to refuse. She freezes for a second, nodding ever so slightly and continuing up the stairs. 

"That was....something." Jungkook shakes his head. 

"Yeah, no kidding." Lisa scoffs. "I- I don't think it's the right time to tell them yet." She says, somewhat meekly.

"Not with that going on." He agrees. "Imagine the mixed feelings when we get to telling them, though. Knowing Jin, he'll be happy for us and continue his fight with Jisoo all the while." 

"Should we...Go see what's happening ?" She suggests, her thumb pointing behind her to the poor staircase that had been stamped on by two figures that had clambered up not long ago. 

"Yeah, why not." 

"It's going to be a train wreck, isn't it ?" She sighs, turning with him and slowly trudging up the stairs. 

"Of course it's going to be." He says sadly. "We're only going there to make sure it doesn't get out of hand." 

They reach the final set of stairs, ignoring the last set that wound up to the terrace and turning the corner to the dorms. She slips the key in the doorknob and opens it, not expecting Jin to storm out. Jungkook attempts to grasp his friend's hand in hopes of holding him back, but is taken in surprise when Jin snatches his arm away and gently disappears up to the terrace. 

Lisa tenderly walks in, approaching Jisoo who remains on the couch with her head in her shaking hands. 

"I-It's all my fault." 

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