Chapter 85 ~ Flirting

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"On second thought, just call me if you're bored." He grins, walking out the door with a charming grin and leaving her smiling goofily to herself. 

Several minutes later, she found herself in the exact predicament he described before he left. Bored, warm, 'being cute in his clothes' (his words, not hers), and thoroughly bored. She scrounged around for the remote, the warm comforter pushed all the way up until it nearly consumed her body, only revealing her big warm eyes. 

She switched through programs, a satisfied smile lining her face when she found a certain show she'd tried to convince her friends into watching. Long story short, they thought it was too violent. 

But even as she watched the show, the usual tension and feelings of 'what's going to happen next' weren't as strong as they should be. She supposed ever since she started watching the show with him, they'd simply talked and teased more than watched the show. 

Soon enough, she found herself heaving the remote up with a heavy sigh and switching the large TV off. The chandelier above the center of the room swayed, and she tried to busy herself with watching it move before she scoffs and slides her phone off the night table next to her. 

"Ah, fuck it, I'll just call." She mutters, clicking on the contact which was right on top with the name 'Soft Boy' and a middle finger emoticon next to it. 


(At the grocery store, still in 3rd Persons POV)

Jungkook was in the medicine isle, with a packet of her favorite candy, his eyes tracing along the small pill bottles. Suddenly, a neon-taloned hand reaches out to touch his forearm. Obviously startled, he turns to the shy girl who tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ears. 

"I don't work here." He says, turning back around to the shelf. 

Though thinking back on the incident, he didn't understand how he thought she assumed he worked there. Nobody blushes and giggles at a store manager if they wanted to find something. 

She taps his shoulder, and he turns back around, slightly irritated this time. "I told you I don't work here." 

"I know you don't." She says, her voice higher than he'd expected it to be. 

"Great. There's a worker down the isle if you want me to flag him down for you." He says, tapping a red coated worker with the store's lapel embellished onto his chest. 

"Yes ?"

"She needs help." He cocks his head to the obviously dumbfounded girl. 

The worker, who was about Jungkook's age, shoots a look of pity at him before patting his shoulder half heartedly and whispering, "She doesn't need help. She's flirting with you." And with that, he stalked off further down the store to help an old lady reach a box of cat food from the tallest shelf. 

"He's right." The girl admits. "I don't need help." 

"That's great. Because I won't help you." He says coldly. 

"Can I have your number ?"

"No." He says flatly, carelessly filtering out her voice. Though even his ears couldn't block out the shrill ear-ringing trill of her tone. 

"Please ?" She whines, pettily stomping her foot. 

"No." He repeats, prepared to put himself on loop and say it endlessly if she kept asking. 

"Why not ?" She asks after about a thousand monotone replies of 'no'.

"I have a girlfriend."  

"Of how long ?" 

"About 2 years, Shrek, back off." 

She ignored his jibe at her minty green blouse and continued. "I don't think you do. If this is the way you react if somebody asked for your number..." She trails off.

"I don't think you've got common sense if this is the way you react to 'no'." He says coldly. At that moment, his phone rings, displaying 'Dumbass' for the caller ID. 

He smirks smugly at the girl. "Proof." He tilts his phone her direction.

"What kind of person calls their girlfriend that ?" She seemed intrigued. 

"We have a strange bond," He shrugs, answering the call and pressing the phone to his ear. He glares her down when she doesn't move. 

"Hey." She smiles, fiddling with his jersey under the mountain of blankets she had on.  

"Hey." He grins. "Bored ?"

"I told you so." She mocks. "There, I said it for you." 

Jungkook pulls the phone slightly away from his ear, turning the volume up just enough so that the obnoxious girl beside him would hear Lisa's voice. 

"No way," her lips part. "You actually have a girlfriend ?"

"Trust me, I'm in as much disbelief as you are." Lisa's voice rings through. 

"Shut up." He resists the urge to laugh. 

"Who was she ?" 

"Didn't care enough to ask."

"What did she do ?"

"She keeps hitting on me." 

"Put me on speaker." 

"Are you going to fight her for me, Shortie ?"

"Just do it." 

"Nike !"

"Shut up." 

Finally, she managed to persuade him into following her directions. "So I heard this dummy caught your attention." Her amused voice speaks. 

"Yeah." The girl admits, embarrassed. Jungkook was now at the counter, the girl trailing behind him for whatever reason. 

"You can have him." 

He panics, taking her off speaker mode and shoving the phone to his ear. "Don't auction me off, please. I'm happy with you." 

"Ugh. Fine." She grins. 

"Thank you, thank you." He smiles. "Your mercy is appreciated." 

Her tone changed, rather hesitant now. "All of you went to the store, right ?" 

"Yeah." He says, smiling in thanks at the elderly woman behind the cash register before waiting at the front of the store, off to the side. "Why ?"

"I just thought I heard someone."

"It's probably nothing." He mutters, though he was equally as suspicious. Jisoo had stood next to him, patiently waiting for the others to make it through the billing counter. 

"Let me just make sure." He hears her say, her voice followed by a rustle of the blankets. 

"No, just sit." He pleads. "Lock the door if that makes you feel better."

"But I want to go s-" 

He heard the door open, and assumed it was her, being as curious as ever. But then, her voice spoke loud and clear, her phone obviously tossed off to the side. 

"Who are you ?"

Silence follows. That is, until her scream and a crash of glass had drowned over anything else he could hear. 

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