Chapter 16 ~ Lisa's Idea

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Jungkook's POV ~

"She's at the movies with Suho," I say, not wanting to hide anything from him.

"Oh yeah...I forgot," He says, not troubled at all.

"You wanna do something fun ?" Lisa says. When both of us nod, she continues. "You said that Suho shares the dorm too, right ?" She says, an evil glint forming in her eyes. She pulls both of us close and whispers the plan even though nobody else was there.

"That's...a pretty good idea !" Jin says. I smile in pride, quickly erasing it off my face and getting back to glaring at her.

"We have to wait for the initiative though," Lisa says, pulling out her stopwatch, "Let's see how long it takes him," She says, clicking the button on top.

Jin pulls out his phone, clicking on the contact closest to the top; Jisoo's. As the phone rings slowly, my foot raps impatiently against the floor. I hear the ringing cease, her voice replacing it instead.

"Hello ?" Her voice comes out muffled. "I'm outside the theater right now. What do you need ?"

"If he asks you to go anywhere with him, just go. I promise you'll be safe." Jin says bluntly. I hear her suck in a breath, not liking the idea. Jin hears it too, continuing to say, "We had a prank in mind, but if you don't feel comfortable playing along, we'll call it off." He says. She laughs his concern away, the sound echoing through the dorm. Suho's voice comes from next to her.

"Who is that ?" He asks.

"The Queen of England," She says sarcastically. "Why ?" She interrogates, "Are you interested in her? She has been feeling a little lonely lately..." She drawls on.

"No! I'm just curious. I already have another girl in mind.." He implies.

"Her daughter ?" Jisoo asks. Jin taps the mute button on his phone, allowing the three of us to release the laughter held inside of us.

"No.....Take another guess." He says.

"Her son ?" Jisoo says in a revolted tone. The laughter squeezes itself out again, leaving no room for silence. Jin quickly texts her, afraid that the plan might not work. I peer over his phone as he types unbothered.

For this to work, you have to be nice. I'm sorry :( ~ Jin

I hear her sigh on the other end of the call, evidently having read the text. She stays silent for a while, waiting for Suho to start up a conversation.

"What do you think about a guy like me ?" He asks. She lets out a pained grunt, remembering the text.

"You're kinda cute...." She says. We turn the video on, blocking our images and just watching her face.

"Really? Then why don't you just date me ?" He asks eagerly, his eyes wandering around on the road.

"I don't know...I might." She says, a fake smile hiding her clenched teeth.

"Do you mind if I park here for a second ?" Suho says, somewhat excitedly. She nods, staring back at the phone painfully grimacing at it when she realizes that we can see her. My eyes widen as a notification pops up from the top of Jin's phone, momentarily blocking a part of Jisoo's forehead. Jin clicks on it, reading it.

She's definitely coming home with me tonight ~ Suho

He reads slowly, his knuckles nearly popping out of his hands. His anger turns into satisfaction as he realizes that the plan worked. He quickly texts Jisoo, unable to contain his giddiness.

He's going to ask you something. Play along. I promise, nothing will happen to you ~ Jin

He types, faintly muttering the words as he sends the text to her. Her whispering voice comes out of the phone speaker, startling us all.

"This better be good," She says, "I'm assuming Jungkook is there too? In that case, I'm trusting you all," She says as we hear the dull thud of her phone falling nonchalantly onto her lap.

"Would you like to visit my dorm ?" he asks, trying to be as casual as possible. We see her eyes widen before she flips her phone upside down.

"Sure," Her strained voice comes out of the speaker. Jin ends the call, helping Lisa off the mattress.

"We have about 15 minutes before they come here. You know the lost and found ?" He asks.

"Get the materials from there." He tells me. " Lisa, you can stay here and help me plan everything out." She nods at him happily, sending a ripple through her silky ponytail.

Jisoo's POV ~

He drives rather fast as I clutch the door handle, ready to jump out of the car at any moment. But Jin told me that it was okay...... I'll take a chance, and trust him. I notice that Jungkook's dorm light is on, 3 outlines inside instead of the usual duo. I squint and realize that the third figure's leg is a bit wider than the other leg.

"It's Lisa..." I mutter to myself, smiling. The troubles from before flow away, knowing that there was no way that something would happen to me. He parks in the car garage, catching me by surprise as I fly forward, my forehead hitting the dashboard. I laugh at my stupidity, stroking the light bruise on my forehead. Hopping out of the car, we walk to the boy's dorm, taking the stairs. I try to run up the stairs, leaving him behind, afraid that something will happen before I reach my boyfriend. We reach his dorm, and instead of getting a key, he merely knocks. Jin opens the door, his gaze momentarily switching from happy to worried as he spots the bruise on my forehead. He lets the both of us in, kissing my head with his hand on the side of my face as Suho walks in front of me.

"Want to see my room ?" He asks suggestively. I shoot a subtle glance at the three figures with goofy smiles plastered on their faces. I resist the temptation to smile back even though I don't know what's so funny. I clench my hand as I walk hesitantly into the room, making Suho go in front of me. Once we walk in, I burst into laughter, spotting all the Justin Beiber, Barbie, and Hannah Montana posters pinned across the walls of his room. He lets out a horrible shriek, grabbing my wrist and rushing me out of the room. My laughter ceases as I hit my head against the door, my bruise darkening. I clap my free hand over it, the smile still returning to my face from the memory. I snatch my wrist out of his hand and walk to the three of them, pretending to be clueless.

"I-I'm just going to go to Yugyeom's dorm for tonight," He says, speeding to the door and slamming it shut in embarrassment. I let myself laugh as much as I want, falling back against their couch.

"That was a good one," I sigh once I stop laughing, "That was worth it," I say, hugging a cushion. "Who's idea was it ?" I ask, wanting to congratulate them. Lisa points to herself, smiling proudly.

"What happened to your forehead ?" Jin asks, cutting off my praise for Lisa. "Does it hurt ?"

"Oh that ..." I laugh, waving it off and touching the bruise a little, "I wasn't paying attention and hurt myself. No big deal." I said. Jin looks relieved as Lisa digs in her pockets for an ointment.

"Why'd you have that on you ?" Jungkook laughs.

"Just in case you got hurt," She smiles, ridiculing herself. She limps herself next to me, opening the brand new tube and squeezing a pristine white paste on her index finger.

"What's that for ?" Jungkook asks before anyone else.

"Relax. It's just so that the bruise goes away faster. It won't hurt her at all," She says, gently tapping it on my forehead, careful not to press too hard.

"You don't have to be that careful," I laugh. "It doesn't hurt."

"Don't listen to her," Jin insists, "She never takes care of herself.

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