Chapter 103 ~ Love and War

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

He kissed her straight on the lips, not beating around the bush for once. His hand was on the back of her neck, her long black hair being the only thing preventing his warm touch seeping onto her cold skin. Her hand slowly floats up to his shoulders, practically melting into him. He pulls away a little too early for her liking, smiling and looking at her.

"We should probably get back home." 

"Do we have to ?" She whines, holding on to him. 

He stands up and smiles, pulling her up too. "Yeah. I don't think Jennie would be happy to see the state of your dress though." 

"It was nice while it lasted." She admits, her legs paler than usual because of the cold draft of wind that was starting to blow through. 

"It's only 8." She notices. "We'll probably get assigned dinner duty again." 

He smiles in memoriam of the last time they tried to cook together. "Maybe I won't have to wear the bonnet again." He grins at her. 

She smiles and nods. "Maybe. And maybe we'll make something edible this time." 

"Where's the fun in that ?" He says before his eyes widen at her. "You're a bad influence on me." 

She laughs, climbing in her seat as he plops down behind the steering wheel. "Such a gentleman  you are." She insists. "Heading to your seat instead of helping me." She teases. 

"You've get legs, right ?" He smiles. "Use them."

"I did. Because you didn't bother to help me !" She ruffles his hair. "Peanut." 

"I didn't help you because you've got legs." He says.

"You're an interesting guy." She smiles. 

For most of the drive, they continued to bicker like usual, but they felt closer and happier this time though nothing was noticeably different. They reached the dorms several minutes later, her cloaked in his jacket as the silk stuck to her body. They walked up the stairs, feeling much happier than they had for the past week as they made it back to the dorm before being separated. 

He stuffs the key in the door, opening it and ushering her in before closing it to prevent cold drafts of air to float into the cozy dorm. "Have you two made up yet ?" Jisoo asks lazily, not looking at her phone screen though it was above her face. 

"Yeah." He shrugs. 

Jisoo's eyes light up, and she sits upright in surprise. "Really ?" She asks. He nods. "I didn't think I'd get that response." She says before deciding scrolling through her phone was a better use of her time. 

Jennie had walked out of her room, about to smile and take Lisa in a hug when she spotted Jungkook's jacket wrapped tight around her. Lisa took it off, handing it back to him and talking inaudibly as Jennie's mouth grew long with horror. "That was such a nice dress !" She scolds. 

Lisa's attention was brought back to the pea-sized girl. "It was irritating !" She insists. 

"You have no respect for fashion." 


"You weren't supposed to agree !" 

"And you weren't supposed to freak out !"

Jennie dragged Lisa into Lisa's butter yellow coated room, grumbling things about how atrocious it was to do that to such a pretty dress. Lisa seemed thankful that Jennie closed the door behind her as she left, finally slipping off the silk. 

"Are we on dinner duty ?" Jungkook asks. 

"Yup." Jisoo smirks, heading into her room. 

He sighs and heads into the kitchen, opening the freshly stocked shelfs and tapping his mind to think of what to make. Not a minute later, Lisa comes out in her natural state, which is to say in short, a pair of sweats. 

Personally, he thought she looked more beautiful this way. 

Though that was probably because she smiled a lot more when she was comfortable than when she was wearing a primped dress. 

Her hair was captured in a messy bun and she grins loftily at him, punching his shoulder. "I guess you were right. We are on dinner duty."

The words 'dinner duty' seemed to make his ears perk up as he whips around behind her, snatching the black apron off the hook and wrapping it around himself. 

She blinks, groaning the next time she does. She turns around and begrudgingly pulls on the frilly pink cloth, refusing to tie it around her waist. She felt as though if she did, it was a sign of her defeat. 

So naturally, he stepped behind her and tied it for her. "Loser." He grins.

His eyes glowed in laughter when he spotted the bonnet. "And a cute headpiece to finish off the look." He smiles, tying it around her sad little face. 

"What's worse than cooking ?" She grumbles. "Cooking with this thing on." 

Several ingredients and procedures later, she stood on the kitchen stool with tip toes to try and reach something off the top shelf before realizing he'd already brought the ingredient out. She makes to step off the stool, but he catches her waist, grinning at her bonnet-wrapped face. 

"No wonder I call you Shortie." He smiles, one arm around her waist and another floating to her cheek. He glances down at the stool she was standing on and back at her. "I'm still taller than you." 

He leans in, his lips softly meeting hers. She smiles into his lips, a mischievous plan playing out in her head. She tries to stop grinning, kissing him for at least one minute before slyly untying the knot behind his back from the black apron. She'd undone her own apron a long time ago, the pink cloth thrown off to the side. He didn't realize, completely immersed with her. She pulls away, and his eyes flutter open in confusion before she takes the neck of the black cloth and pulls her head through, tying the knot behind her back. 

He stares in shock, trying to understand what had happened. Finally, he smiles and simply leans in again to kiss her. "Not mad ?" She smiles before his lips can meet hers. 

"All's fair in love and war." 

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