Chapter 31 ~ A Petty Lie

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*A/N :

Stay safe ❤️


3rd Person's POV ~  

Eventually, Jungkook departs from her to go and talk to Jin who was tutting disapprovingly at his dripping form. 

"For gods sake, did you drown ?" He says, reaching out to swipe water off the collar of the shirt. Jungkook tugs the cloth out of his grip, twisting the two ends ruthlessly and getting an abundance of water to splatter onto the newly dry pavement that had just recovered from the first round of trampling students. 

"School is cancelled for today !" The principle shouts, turning to his meek assistant rather irritably. "Damn it, you fool, I told you to turn off the sprinkler system after a minute. Now look what you've done...The classrooms are all mucky and flooded...." He rants, stomping off to his office while his inferior scampers to follow. 

Meanwhile, another conversation was playing out between Lisa and 3 other dark haired beauties. She continues to blush profusely as they pinch and prod at her choice of clothing which she claimed was 'nothing to worry about'. 

"Looks like two good things happened today." One of the girls grins at Lisa. 

"Two ?"

"School's cancelled, and the fire alarm rang before we had to take our tests." Chaeyoung explains, a happy smile gracing his lips too. 

"Oh, please." Jennie scoffs. "You're only happy because you forgot to study. What if there hadn't been a drill ? What would you've done then?"

"Copied off you," Both Jisoo and Chaeyoung shrug, the words escaping their mouths at the same time. 

"Let's just get back home." Jennie sighs, massaging her head. Lisa looks straight down at the pavement, knowing that if she tested her luck and tried to look at a certain someone, she'd end up in a blushing mess. 

"Okay." Lisa mutters, the bag lying limply in her grasp as the sweatshirt proves to warm her up. She spots him in the very corner of her vision, laughing and thwacking his friends upside the head and finds herself grinning very slightly as well. 

"Three good things happened today." She murmurs under her breath. 

"What ?"

"N-nothing. Do we have leftover pizza ?" 


"At least go shower !" Jin insists, trying to nudge Jungkook off his mattress.

"No..." The latter groans, his eyes closed as his wet shirt sticks to his body. 

"Why not, dirty pig ?" 

"I feel sick."

"Let's take your temperature, shall we ?" Jin claps, drawing open a compartment and whipping out a thermometer. 

"Last time you did that, I nearly choked." The wet-haired boy scrambles away from the former, his hands ready to punch. 

"Ugh..Fine, you can take it." He passes the slim device over which Jungkook gratefully takes, his eyes crossing as the digits rapidly change on the display in front of his nose. Jin tugs it out of his mouth, earning a dangerous glare and a blow to the stomach. 

"You're not sick..." He says sadly, frowning whilst glancing at the digits on the device. 

"Isn't that supposed to be a good thing ?"

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