Chapter 64 ~ Lost the Bet

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"Ready to go ?" Jungkook taps Lisa's shoulder. 

She gulps, "No." 

"Too bad." He grins, gently steering her down the hallway. "Don't make me carry you."

"I wouldn't mind."

"In front of everyone ?" He teases knowingly when she blushes.

"That's a different story." She insists. 

"How, exactly ?"

"Soft Boy, I will murder you." She hisses. 

"Oi Shortstack, speak up. I can't hear you from up here." He mumbles, winking at her as he slips on a jacket. 

Another boom of thunder growls in the distance though there was no doubt that it was louder than earlier. She winces and goes behind him. "Not going." She mumbles. 

He laughs and takes her hand off the cloth by his waist, pulling her in front of him. "Going." He says. "You'll be fine, you'll be with me." He says, but something about the way he said it made her calm down in a way that shouldn't be possible. 

That feeling quickly fades away when another boom of thunder sounds nearby. She lets out a groan and tugs the corner of his shirt back. when he ignores her, a wicked grin plays on her face. 

"Won't pay attention to me, huh ?" She asks. 

"Nope." He pops the last syllable. 

She pounces on him, arms stretching to full length towards the side of his head and pulling it to hers. His surprise is evident as he takes quite a while to process what she'd just done. Then, like he flipped a switch, his arms started raveling around her. She was thankful for the fact that the others had already departed, but she's more thankful for the fact that she might not have to go. 

He pulls away after a minute or so, unfazed as he reaches for the coat hanger. "Nice try. You can't distract me that easily. We're still going."

"You knew ?" She grumbles. 

"I'm very wise." 

"Grow a wispy beard and I'll think about it." 

He grabs two--no, three- jackets off the coat hanger, a thin windbreaker, another slightly larger yet equally thin windbreaker, and a heavy winter coat. He tugs all three layers around her, and she zips them up, waddling down the stairs with him until he lets out a chuckle. 

"What ?" She asks. 

"Something about you wearing my clothes makes you look a thousand times smaller." He grins. 

"This is yours ?!" 

"Who else ?" He winks. 

"I'm going to kill you, mud brain." She growls, blushing. 

"Aw, Shortstack's embarrassed." He teases. 

"Am-am not." She mumbles, hiding her face in the fluff of the jacket. 

"You look pretty cute-"

"I look like a fucking garden gnome." 

"Can't say that you don't." 

"No, even if you did, I know I look ridiculous." She shakes her head. "I still don't understand how humans can be so tall." She chuckles, the bottom hem of the jacket grazing her knees. 


"Wanna make things interesting ?" Lisa smiles under the brilliant lights of the lobby. 

"I always do." He grins. 

"Let's make a bet." 

"On what ?"

"Whoever gets scared first has to cook dinner tomorrow." She smiles. 

"What movie are we watching ?"

"I don't know, but it's supposed to be a horror movie." 

"You think you can handle it ?"

"Can you ?"

"100 times over." She says snootily. 

They push into the theater, and she finds a seat, pushing another down for him as he promptly plops down next to her. 

A couple minutes later, the lights started to dim, and she churns in her seat, hugging the jackets closer to her warm body. Slowly, the introduction started to play, and she could already feel herself roll her eyes. 

About halfway through the movie, she'd scowled at the repeated banshee-like screams around the amphitheater whenever a particularly gruesome scene projected- which is to say every 5 minutes. 

"What are they screaming for ?" She grumbles. 

"What ?" He whispers, suppressing a smile. 

"They wanted to watch something scary, and half the times they're just primping themselves up." She glares at the back of a particularly high-pitched girl who peered straight into the smudged mirror of her compact. 

He tries not to laugh at her annoyance and turns back to facing the screen though this time he was smiling ridiculously at the horrid demon staring at him. 

She, meanwhile, couldn't focus on the movie and had taken to rolling her eyes and predicting another round of screams , placing bets with herself. The only flaw in the plan was that she had rotten luck, but then again she supposed that if her opponent was herself, her luck couldn't get any better. 

Slowly, her irritation faded into curiosity. She'd seen the movie before, and a second before a jump scare, she'd look at the girl in the row ahead. It was like the girl had a routine. 

Primp, scream, hug, repeat. 

Every time something remotely scary would play out, she'd scream and push into the hands of her oh-so-loving boyfriend. Lisa scowls, quickly realizing it hurt to do so. Then, she noticed every girl was doing the same thing. Though not as loud, but definitely not secretly. 

How can they be that shameless ?, she thought, Don't they have self-worth ?  

But they look so warm, She admitted begrudgingly. 

She waited for the next attack to mock fear, but it didn't work because what she'd been planning to do was shiver and take his hand, but instead, what had come out of her mouth was a monotone and quiet 'ah, so scary', and she'd grabbed a clump of his jacket instead of his hand. 

Oh lord, my fate is sealed, she thought. Death by embarrassment. 

And so she sat through the movie, not really following any of it. She knew when to expect every little scene, and she didn't flinch at any one of them. 

What she'd not expected was a giant boom of thunder to clap over the roof of the cinema. She lets out a pathetic squeak about a minute later once she'd processed the event and shamelessly grabs his hand off his lap, shoving it into her pocket. 

"I take it you couldn't handle it anymore ?" He grins knowingly, not looking at her. 

"I can." She says confidently. 

He tries to slip his hand out of hers, but she holds on to his fingers painfully hard. "Lost the bet." He says quietly, in an entrancing sing-song voice. 

"Shut up." 

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