Chapter 68 ~ Favors

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3rd Person's POV ~ (Monday afternoon) 

Lisa sat on the couch, a pillow thrown carelessly over her lap as her elbows dig into it, her fingers scrolling against the screen of her phone. She lets out a small smile, the corner of her lip turning up when she spots a particularly funny picture through her feed. 

"Ready to go ?" Jungkook's soft voice fills through her ears. 

She smiles and pockets her phone, picking up her bag and stuffing her laptop in. She follows him to the door which he takes the responsibility of locking before they trudge down the stairs to encounter their rather boring fate. 

"Not going to the track meet ?" He asks upon the absence of her usual gym bag. 

"No." She smiles. "I have to meet with my literature group. Trust me, it's as boring as it sounds." 

"Beats my situation." He scoffs. 

"Oh yeah ?"

"Yup. I got dragged into detention."

"How ?" She smiles, not the least bit astounded. He managed to get into trouble wherever he went. 

"I don't know." He shrugs. She stares at him expectantly. 

"That's what you said last time." 

"I swear, I really don't know." He insists. "I wasn't even there." 

"Huh ?" She sounded every bit as confused as he did.

"Sunday I was with you the whole time, but Jisoo was out doing her art project or whatever when she heard Tzuyu say she was my girlfriend." He grimaces, waiting for Lisa to thwack somebody upside the head. 

Instead, she laughed. 

"Oh, that's hilarious." She manages once she finally sobered down. "In fact she's a much better match for you." She teases, nudging his shoulder. 

"No she isn't." He mumbles before continuing. "Anyway, Jisoo objected and they got into a shouting match." 

"So how does that affect you ?"

"That old bat," He spots the math professor staring down at him from the window of the classroom. "Heard my name and assumed I did something. So naturally, I landed a detention." 

"What about Jisoo ?"

"She got one too. She had to go 15 minutes earlier though." He stops as though he was trying to remember something before an angry look appears in his eyes. "And Tzuyu doesn't have detention." Again, he waited for her to blow up, but she didn't. 

"Well that seems fair." She nods. "After all, she was only telling the truth. She is your girlfriend." 

He cracks a smile. "Shut up." 

"Soft Boy." 

"Short Stack." 

"So I guess neither of us are going to the track meet." He sighs, trying to stall in front of the college's staircase. 

"Coward." She shoves his shoulder back with a laugh. "Face that old lady with pride." She pats his shoulder like an army general would do to encourage a scared soldier. 

"I will." He says.

"In any case, my fate is much better than yours." She smiles. 

"What ?"

"I get to go to a café, eat food and spew random shit about meaningless passages." She smiles teasingly. "While you'll be holed up in a room." 

"You're not wrong there." He grumbles. 

"Relax." She pats his shoulder. "At least we'll be able to walk home together." 

"Yeah," He smiles. "Yeah, I guess we will." 

"Bye, Soft Boy !" She yells, turning her back on him and running away before he ever had the chance to call her 'Short Stack'. He shares his head with a smile before any form of expression on his face falls as he walks up the stairs to his doom. 

He makes it to the room at the top floor of the building, pushing through the door and entering the auditorium where Jisoo sat mumbling swearwords at the front. The old woman in charge was still as uptight as ever as she points the end of her chewed up pen to him and moves it to the empty seat beside the begrudging girl. 

"Hey." He mutters, setting next to her. 

"Shut up." She snarls. 

"You  got me in this mess." 

"Right...Sorry," She sighs. "I'm just frustrated." 

She continues to etch claims for help into the wood of the desk, her pencil scratching against the  surface. 

Outside the building, he saw students wearing jackets and rubbing their arms up and down their arms, trying to warm themselves up. The leaves were falling even in the last month of winter, and the strong breeze whipped stray twigs away faster than they could even fall to the ground and end up in some dog's mouth. The professor who was supposed to stay just left, telling them she'd know if they tried to escape. 

"Why ?" Jungkook asks. 

"What ?" 

"Why did Tzuyu get out of detention ?" He presses. 

"She said she was going to a café of some sort for an assignment."

"A what ?" His head snaps to the bored girl next to him. 

"It's not hard to understand. She said she was required to go downtown and meet up with a group." She shrugs. "I don't know, I didn't care enough to listen in on her conversation." 

"I'll be right back." He mutters, peeling off his jacket in a flash and rushing out the door. 

"I'm not saving your ass if that bat comes ba-" He hears Jisoo call after him before he rushes out of earshot. 

He sprints down the staircases and hallways, his eyes scrounging around the crowd for someone. She wasn't hard to find. Her hair was over curled, her clothes were too flashy even for the most renowned college in Korea, and her eyelashes looked more like somebody had stuck cockroach legs on her eyelids. 

"Tzuyu !" He calls after her, jacket in hand. 

She turns around, obviously irritated. Her expression drops and her lips curl in a maniacal smiles as she tucks an invisible strand of hair behind her ear. "Yes ?" She giggles. 

He looks revolted but manages to say, "Can you do me a favor ?"

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