chapter 49~ A peevish Saturday

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A/n: this is the longest chapter I've written so far, I hope you enjoy.

I'd just concluded the laundering of my clothes when I decided to pick up my phone and peruse my Instagram's explore page. As a result of the hustle and bustle of school I hadn't had enough quality time to really relish any social media application. Two words for Saturdays, heaven sent.

A slight growl from my stomach was all the reminder I needed to clamber my way out of bed, arm myself with my phone and head steadily to the palace of foodstuffs, the kitchen.

I gnawed lightly at my lower lip as I tugged open the handle to the cabinet. From the spaces in between the items, it wasn't hard to recognize that we very much needed to purchase more food supplies. I foraged through the few cans of food for one that'd catch my fancy when I caught sight of a royal blue can. I beamed, it was the brand of hot dog my mom and I love.

And at that particular moment, right at that very instance I made an extremely thoughtless mistake. The harrowing thing about imprudent mistakes is just this, you never quite realize you're about to commit a blunder. You just do and then you look back in regret, realize the imprudency of your error and heave an irritated sigh or breakdown in tears or mope around dejected or grumble a sorrowful

"How? Just how could I have made a mistake so utterly redundantly silly?."

The mistake I'd made was, I'd reached for the tin of hotdog with my phone still in my grip. Not to defend my silliness or anything but I'd grabbed items in cans before, phone in hand with no incident at all. This, I think explains why I was lulled into a false sense of security.

The two smooth surfaces rested against each other for a few deceptive seconds and then i could feel them rapidly slithering their way out of my grasp. I tried my hardest possible best to save my phone but ending up hitting it with my palm in such a way that the tin can fell down atop the phone. They both came crashing down with a terrifyingly loud noise.

I was scared to pick up the phone and see the havoc that I'd wrecked on it. I shut my eyes and visions of going back to my android flashed before it. Did the android even work anymore? Even if it did, I didn't want to go back to that. I'd tasted of the sweetness of a clear camera and smoother operating system. I didn't want to go back.

While I was in the midst of all the contemplation, my mom walked in resplendent in casual shirt and jeans. The clamorous sound must have attracted her because she had on a concerned frown "What was that loud sound?."

"My phone." I replied, wishing for one mad moment that I had the power to reverse time.

"It made that noise? Is it broken?." My mom made her way over to the spot I stood.

"It fell alongside the tin of hotdogs. I'm scared to pick it up." I confessed

"Sugar honey iced tea(shit). Olivia! Pick it up." She'd just caught sight of the "accident" scene.

I cautiously squatted to grab the tin off the phone, no surprise there had been absolutely no damage done to it in the least. My phone on the other hand hadn't been so lucky. The front and back screen were plastered with cracks. The front even more than the back. I turned it on everything seemed to be working fine from the touch pad down to the the camera.

"This is a nightmare." I grinned sheerly out of frustration. The grin leaving almost as suddenly as it had come.

My mom collected the phone even as she requested to see it.

I sighed and reached into the freezer for a bottle of cold water and sipped it slowly. Had the water always been this bitter or was that just what misery tasted like?.

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