Chapter 25 I'll Fight My Way To You

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Warning: a bit gory


I didn't know how much time has past since Kroan left me here with the news that he turned me into a hybrid. Last since I heard Louis.

He told me they were going to find me. I believe him and I was going to wait.

I felt weak and so hungry but I held on with the bit of strength of I have left. I had to be on guard for when Kroan comes and visits me again. But I also had to be on guard for Louis. Since I was so weak, I imagine that our bond was weak. I told myself not to worry if he couldn't reach me through our bond.

I knew he would find me. I just had to wait. I will hold on for him.


Yelling. I must've fallen asleep as loud yells woke me from my sleep. I stood to my feet, instantly on guard from the noise. Then I noticed it, felt it.

Or him.

My eyes weld up with tears instantly as I felt Louis's presence near me. Howls filled the air and I knew he wasn't alone. I pulled myself together as I listened for anything.

I could smell the faint metallic scent of blood in the air as growls and yells were heard outside. Clearly, they were fighting. I started to yank on my chains, fueled by the thought that Louis is here. Kroan must've thought that I would be weaken enough for these chains to hold me thought they weren't very strong.

Adrenaline coursed through me and it only took about five hard yanks on the chains to break one of them from the wall. With one my hands free, I used it and yank the other chain, breaking it with a loud crack. The weight wasn't good for my weaken arms but I would have to handle it.

I lunged towards the bars of the cell and stretched my arm through them to the lock on the door. I grabbed a hold of it and pulled it as hard as I can, grinding my teeth together by the extertion. It ripped off and I nearly fell back with the force. I threw it away and sprinted to the door of the dungeon, not glancing at the other cells as I was sure I would be sick if I did.

Surprisingly, the doors to the dungeons were unlocked and I didn't hesitate flinging myself through them.

Darkness from the night hit me and I was surrounded by chaos. Vampires and wolves were fighting violently around me and bodies were scattered in pieces of limbs and heads. Blood hit the air harshly and my hunger grew. It was hard to ignore and I just let instincts guide me.

I followed Louis's presence when I felt a sharp pain. But I wasn't hurt.

Louis was.

My hunger turned to anger. I didn't know how but I used my vampire speed and I appeared in time to watch as Louis was pinned down by a vampire. He wasn't in his wolf form but he was shifted half-way. He was covered in blood and yet still managed to look gorgeous. I didn't dwindle on the thought as anger and hunger filled me to the brim as the vampire raised a talon hand.

Without thinking, I lunged at the vampire tackling him. We rolled in the ground before I pinned him. I had no control over my body as I bit into his neck, ripping it out. Blood splattered everywhere and the scent made my hunger go crazy. I dived back into his neck, drinking his salty blood as the vampire beneath withered and screeched. The blood was warm and it seemed to satisfy my hunger only a little. It didn't take long before I completely drained the vampire.

Snatched (L.S AU)✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant