(Chiba Ryunosuke) Acceptance

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Requested by: Fana_09
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Overprotective behavior, kidnapping, mention of murder, and death. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Thank you for training with me, Chiba-kun." You exclaimed after managing to catch your breath and wiping off some sweat that builds up and trickled down your forehead with the back of your palm.

You give a grin that you hoped to mask your nervousness as the person that volunteered to be partnered up with you was none other than the mysterious and quiet Chiba, whom you may or may not have a crush on, but kept it a secret as you don't want to destroy the friendship that he miraculously initiated first.

You were unaware that the collar of your shirt moves away from covering a certain spot, making Chiba glare at it with contempt. The hatred isn't towards you, but to the people that he has a feeling were the ones responsible.

"Is that... a bruise?" He calmly asked, contradicting the real emotions he felt deep inside as he awaits for your answer, already knowing that you might try to hide it again and led him to just shrug it off as nothing.

"This? Oh! It's nothing to be worried about." You adjust the collar of your PE shirt to hide the bruised spot on your skin that's quite visible as it stands out because it was very out of place when paired with your skin tone.

Guess he was right as this made him angry towards those who harmed you, but he maintains his calm demeanor and asks again. "Where did you get it?"

You could feel that he was getting annoyed and frustrated as you fight off the warmth that you feel on your cheeks and your pounding heart, still being stubborn and stood your ground as you avoid his gaze that is obviously directed at you even though it's hidden behind his hair. "I-I... Like I said, it's nothing you should worry about..."

He softly sighs and crosses his arms across his chest, being as stubborn as you as he also won't back down. "Y/N... I won't stop asking until you tell me. What happened for you to have a bruise such as that?"

He softly smiles when you face him again and start to speak, finally giving up with your stubbornness. "I really couldn't keep anything from you, could I? Those girls... they're the ones who did this to me..."

"Those girls from the A Class? They're still doing it, huh? Guess I need to give them a reminder that will really make them stop it..." He puts both of his fists inside each of his pockets before clenching them while you shrug.

"It's fine, Chiba-kun. I'll just ignore the and try my best to avoid their negative treatment to me." Even with the words that were supposed to reassure him that you're fine, it wasn't enough as he had already thought of a plan that will end the misery that you're always facing at the hands of those mean girls.


"Chiba! So you finally left that loser Y/N? How convenient... We'll be having some fun, me and the girls. Do you wanna go with us?" The group of gossiping girls that consist of three members quiet down and made sure that they look alright when one of them notices Chiba approaching.

The leader, the one who greeted him earlier when she noticed you were not with him, gives a cute smile while batting her eyes, but Chiba was unaffected.

"She actually doesn't take no as an answer which leaves you no choice." Another one piped up, popping behind the leader while twirling a strand of her hair.

It was a weekend and Chiba had known that these girls hang out in the certain area they were currently at and decided that it's a good time to commence his plan.

So, fighting the urge to just eliminate them then and there, he gives a small nod and quietly answers. "Sure. Does anyone other than you three know about your small activity?"

"Nope, just the three of us. We actually just thought of a diversion when we saw you since you seem lonely and all and we thought that you might hang out with us." The last one stands beside him, excitedly exclaiming as she starts to tug his wrist when she had the chance.

Chiba wanted nothing more than just to cut it off, but he needed to be patient and that's what he did as she exclaims. "And we were right so let's go! I'm so excited!"

After they went shopping and having a meal at a fast food chain, they are currently strolling through a park.

Chiba had enough and was quite proud of himself when he had managed to survive without snapping any of their necks, wanting to reach the end of his plan. "Would you mind going somewhere that I want to be?"

"Of course not!" The leader cheerfully answered.

The rest backs her up with a vigorous nod, agreeing with her as they also want to spend more time with him. "Yep! We still have some time left anyway! Lead the way Chiba-kun."

"I actually prepared a picnic in the forest for us to have some peace and quiet while having some bonding." The lie easily slipped past his lips as he leads them towards the path of the park that leads to the forest and being gullible and lovesick girls they are, they agreed and followed after him.

"That's sounds romantic! I-I mean, that's cool..." Romantic that will soon turn into a horrific experience for the three which will also be their last.


"Do you have something bothering you, Y/N?" Chiba askee once he reached your desk.

You were having a faraway look that disappeared as you face him. "Actually... I'm just wondering why the girls are not doing their usual thing to me. It's been quite peaceful for the last one week."

"At least they're not hurting you anymore. Maybe they just got bored of you or something along those lines." He smiles that reassured you, but it was actually because he felt good when he was finally able to meet his objective as he remembers the fear covered expression of the three girls before they met their death.

You nod in agreement and accepted his opinion. "Yep, I'm glad."


"W-Where... am I?" The first thing that hit you was moderately state of dizziness as you slowly sit up in an unusual comfortable bed.

Leaning against the headboard while softly rubbing your head, the door of the room opened and the last person that you suspected to kidnap you walks in, but you still couldn't help feeling the reaction of your admiration towards him and be affected by it.

"Y/N, you're awake at last. I was getting worried." He instantly approaches you, standing by the side of the bed while wrapping an arm behind you and softly squeezes your shoulder.

You were still quite tired and dizzy that you just let him be while you ask, hoping to hear a true confirmation from him. "Chiba-kun? Were you the one who did this?"

"Yes, I did it to protect you from the dangerous world we live in and for you to never leave me. I deeply admire you, Y/N." His grip on your shoulder slightly increased in tightness, but you didn't feel any pain from it.

Your heart fluttered when you hear his confession and even though he kidnapped you, you couldn't take yourself to hate him as you really didn't care about being kidnapped at all, let alone you reciprocated the feelings that you felt for him. "I-I... I like you too, Chiba-kun."

"So does that mean you accept me? That all of this is alright with you?" He hugs you as you accepted his warm embrace, patting his arm to soothe any worries he might have.

"Sure, it's fine because I really don't care about my current situation that much. I'm with you and that's all that matters to me."

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