(Horibe Itona) Sealed Contract

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Requested by: Kayden_Stoner
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Possessive behavior, dark ritual and sacrifice, slight bloody scene, threat, and killing. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Murmurs within the meeting room of the castle were hushed when one of the trusted men of your father reported such horrid news. "Your highness! The other kingdom had already declared a war against us! What should we do?"

Even though his tone is strong and serious, he couldn't help but slip up some tiny bit of worry within it as his eyebrows meet in a small frown with his gaze locked with the king's form who remained calm after hearing the news.

After seconds of pondering, your father responds as you were quite amazed at his calmness of the situation as you knew that there's still a solution for the problem at hand in which only he himself might have known of as you were as clueless as most of the others within the meeting room with a confused expression plastered on their faces. "They're by far much stronger than us in terms of military equipment and skills of their warriors. But we'll still be able to win if we use our last ace."

Wonder and curiosity flowed within each individual who were unaware of the said ace as you were also included yourself.

You ask the question that the majority might also want to know the answer to, gazing at your father's darker colored eyes than your own. "Father, what is the last ace that you've mentioned? We need to assure our win to remain the peace and help those who are in need within the kingdom of our rival."

Giving a reassuring smile to the other people inside that brought comfort and lessen the nervousness and fear they had felt, the king loudly speaks up that reverberates throughout the four walls of the room that made each individual hear his request loud and clear. "Ladies and gentlemen, could you please leave me and my child alone for a moment? We have some important matters to discuss."

All of them bid a respectful goodbye to the king and to you before they followed his order. The tall doors slammed shut, leaving you alone with your father inside.

As he walks towards you, he starts to speak. "I hope that you'll be ready for what you are about to hear, Y/N. But there's still one question I would ask for you, would you want to trade your freedom for the sake of the safety and peace of our kingdom?"

A pressure was put on your shoulder as it came from your father's hand, gently giving a squeeze of reassurance as you answered with determination without a hint of fear. "May it even be my death, I will ensure that this kingdom will be my first priority, father. As the next ruler, I should not be selfish and always remember to put the safety of my people first and foremost."

Because of your response, your father couldn't help to be overwhelmed with proud as he pats your shoulder twice before he softly chuckles. "Very well, then. Follow me."

Walking through an unknown corridor in which you have never been stepped in a foot on caused you to wonder what other secrets your father is hiding along with the castle. The two you finally reached a room that smelled quite awful after taking a flight of stairs that leads downward with only some torches on the wall lighting the path.

"We found a traitor upon our territory, a spy if you must, that was also the cause of our disadvantage of the other kingdom as he had already spilled some of our secrets with our rival. But we are lucky enough to capture him before he'll further cause our defeat." Your eyes widen in surprise when your father gestures to a bruised man with his wrists chained that connects to the walls that made him slightly hover above the ground with only his toes touching the damp cobblestone floor.

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