(Akabane Karma) Genuine Affections

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Requested by: yIn_akabane
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Subtle overprotective, possessive behavior and jealousy. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Thank you for inviting me to spend the week, Akabane-san." You greeted with words of gratitude, stepping inside the large and quite fancy kitchen of the abode.

The said person turned around before carefully carrying a tray with some snacks and two glasses of drinks placed on top of it. The radiant aura she had given just through her smile and kind actions are proof of her kindness for even inviting you over after quite a long time.

"There's no need for such formalities, Y/N. You can even stay for as long as you'd like. To keep Karma company, you know? And also, maybe develop something between you two than just being friends?" She remarked as you immediately held out your hands, gesturing to help her in which she carefully passed on the tray to you.

You shake your head, correcting her, but was also disappointed to say such things. "Acquaintances. He always insisted that we're just acquaintances right from the moment we met me again after we part ways. Not his favorite childhood friend anymore."

Karma's mother just huffed in annoyance of hearing such rude behaviors from her son, giving you a bright smile again before patting your shoulder for reassurance. She had noticed the disappointment you had earlier, knowing that a little push was all it needed for her wishes to come true.

As she makes her way to the fridge to take some ingredients for the dinner she'll cook later on, she continues to speak with tone changing from disbelief, hopeful, before seeming to get excited at the end. "He'll change his mind someday, you'll see. He's probably busy playing inside his game room right after a long day at work. Didn't even stayed long enough to greet me and his father when we first visited him yesterday. I think that he'll like your company more than ours. Won't you mind bringing him over some snacks and drinks as well for the two of you to enjoy? I'll leave you be, but don't forget to come down for dinner later."

You glanced down at the tray already within your hold, internally sighing after knowing that you had no other choice, but to follow her request.

Looking back at her again as she had waited for your response, you gave one followed with a smile to hide your nervousness. "I don't mind at all."

And so, your travel began that was filled with slight dread of what could await your arrival at your new destination had begun. Already familiar with which room is which for the numerous times you visited and even stayed just like now, you had soon reached the room. You sweat dropped when noticing a new problem that had presented itself.

Glancing at the other ends of the hallway, you were relieved to see one of their staffs going in your direction, seeming to be just done cleaning any dust within the area. Calling out to her, you requested for her to knock on the door to try surprising the person inside of your sudden and unexpected arrival. It was immediately answered by you instantly barging in while still being careful to not let the contents of the tray to spill.

"Akabane, long time no see." You calmly greeted after thanking the staff who had soon gone on her way while Karma just went back to playing his current game, easily hiding his surprise with his back faced towards you.

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