(Asano Gakushu) Blackmail

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Warnings: Mentions of threat, blackmail, subtle manipulation, obsessive, and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Watching you from afar as he makes his approach, an uncontrollable action occurred for the usual calm and collected student council president. Eyebrow twitching while forming a small frown as well as his teeth mildly clashing against the other behind his polite smile still for the remaining students to see as he walked alone towards his classroom after partaking in his duties. His minions had already been absent of their presence, each already on their way home right after the end of the last class had been indicated while rejoicing for the free time they were given as there were no council related activities right after.

His unusual demeanor was overlooked by the students that are also going on their own ways to rest from the busy school day, being charmed by his astounding features still despite the exhausting tasks beforehand. Despite those who tried to gain his attention and greet him as much as they could, his focus on your figure did not waver. Seeing you smiling so warmly towards a classmate to the both of you only made him fasten his pace after forcing to return a small wave to those who would greet him. Finally reaching his destination, he was ecstatic to know that you had your focus on him.

Your confusion and curiosity with the arrival of your fellow classmate and class president was subtly subsided when the other classmate of yours that you had just finished tutoring hastily makes a leave, stuttering a goodbye to the two of you as you could faintly hear an apology being directed to Gakushu. Both you and Gakushu were the only ones left in front of the closed doors of the classroom with the hallway starting to be deserted as well despite it not that too late after the class had ended. Before you could inquire about his presence, he strictly requests you to follow him for the two of you to discuss something important.

The walk towards the council office was silent and also caused by being unknown of the reason for your unexpected visit to the location only caused you to subtly be nervous. Though having a reputation to uphold as well and being quite a master when it comes to keeping your real feelings hidden deep within and only be known by yourself, you remained relaxed on the outside. The two of you soon made an arrival with him opening the door for you. Thanking him of his gentlemanliness, you entered the office first as he followed suit with the door swings to a close behind after having nothing to stop it from doing so.

He gestures for you to take a seat at a nearby desk and while you have questions of your own, you remained silent and obeyed his request. Stoping your voice from faltering upon feeling his presence standing just behind your seated figure, you proceeded to inquire the reason behind your visit to the office.

Gakushu could only mildly smirk in amusement, answering with an air of confidence for his plan to take action. "You gave assistance to both of your seatmates and many others near your range despite the teacher's supervision. The teacher would also need some punishing, but I guess you would be so kind to take the blame."

Releasing a hum of mild surprise and astonishment with the obvious objective of his, you could only calmly respond in return while having a small grin of your own that was still unseen by him from your position. "Nah, I would like to continue staying in the A Class to not disappoint anyone."

Raising a brow with your calmness as he leans in, he was satisfied nonetheless before he further informs through a soft whisper as he's only a centimeter away from you. "That leaves you one choice then and that is to accept my part of the deal where you would agree to be mine in return for me not exposing your secret."

You had already accepted your defeat right after hearing the information, knowing that you held no power against him and that you needed to stay where you are to ensure that nothing would fall out of place within your life. All you can currently do is to slowly let yourself adjust to the change of it.

You expressed your amazement while letting the swivel chair turn to face him as he moves away with the sudden motion. "So, the rumors really are true? You're infatuated with me? If this wouldn't be a serious scenario, I would be laughing. Who would've thought that the Gakushu Asano would fall for someone like me?"

He was annoyed, not because of your teasing, but because of how he deemed you looking down on yourself. He reminds himself to have a lecture about how perfect you are in the near future as there's still an important matter needed to be focused on as he positively confesses his feelings right after.

Now, you're genuinely left in awe with his direct statement, softly smiling as you reply. "You really just went through such lengths? That's unusual for you, Mr. President. Though I know that you had already anticipated how the situation would turn out."

Gakushu positively answers, quite confident in a sense. "I do, but I want you to admit it."

Deciding to challenge him, you crossed your arms and held your head high before informing him. "But there is still one other thing you might want to be concerned about, my parents/guardians."

Finding your concern nothing, but a mere speck of dust that he could just easily clean out with just a swipe of a hand, he answered after having a fit of laughter. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that they would approve of us. After all, you're the perfect match for me as I am to you."

His infatuated filled gaze turned into one of positive care and admiration as he gently swipes away a fringe of your locks that partially covers your face. Snapping out of his daze once having his gaze met with yours, Gakushu carefully places his fingers on your chin to gently hold it before leaning in as he asks. "Now, can I receive your answer?"

Feeling flustered with his actions, you easily subdued it, you answer with a smirk as Gakushu could only widen his eyes in surprise. "I agree to be yours as you would be mine." 

Seeing a surprising side of yours only made him all the more enamored, feeling joyous and victorious with how better everything had turned out to be. The current situation had proven that the simple act of blackmailing had started a craze filled romance. 

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