(Asano Gakuho) Easy Elimination

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Requested by: daddymafiaboss
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Jealousy and threat. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Staring at a piece of paper, Gakuho's mind seemed to have a malfunction, letting him have an improper understanding of the written statements the current paper he's reading and some of the others as well when he tried to do so with no luck. It was clear that currently, he has no right capacity to continue with his daily work as the most powerful individual of the school. Deciding to take a rest with such frustrating fruitless attempts in trying to be productive, the school principal takes a break at last. The reason behind his unusual behavior remained clear for himself, despite him trying to deny it.

Even though his countenance remained calm and even close to being unreadable as it is common to be, there seemed to be a stirring of unexplained emotions within him. Though as much as he started to think about it rather than having a complete focus on his prior task, he started to realize what it is all about. It made him subtly scoff in disbelief of feeling such negative emotions he hadn't felt in a while, though in respect with his growing admiration towards you, he gladly welcomes such feelings along with it. Just imagining the scenes that he had grown to focus more earlier all the more arisen his jealousy.

Wanting to make his mood be away from being bitter with what he had witnessed occasionally earlier that day, his mind immediately presents you as a solution. He had imagined what would it be like being the one to make you laugh, being there to help you out whenever you needed him, being the one to take care of you, and always be the one you would rely on. The list goes on and it only proved the highest degree of his silent love and affection directed towards you that remained hidden. The silence that he had just noticed within his office made him wish that he would be able to hear you rambling about anything instead. 

He's starting to be played with his own mind, giving him hallucinations of hearing your voice directly nearby in which he knew is not possible given that he's the only one within his office. Though his doubt slowly subsides when your voice seemed to increase and be quite clear, prompting him to snap out of his imagining before calmly approaching the door to his office. Him opening it was just the right time for you and your companion to pass through. Playing it cool with such good coincidence in which he insisted is the fate playing with you two, he invited the both of you inside his office for an important discussion.

And along with you is the person behind the cause of his jealousy, though keeping his facade, his subtle smile remains before he soon closes the door to give you all some privacy. (Random name) seemed to be very close to you lately, giving you unneeded compliments in which he was sure he can give better ones, accompanying you almost anywhere like a lost puppy and completely disregarding the same situation of his where he secretly follows you whenever he can, and the showing of public affections whenever they thought he wasn't around since he had already forbidden such thing to happen between you two.

You proceeded to ask what the sudden private meeting is about as the principal's answer made you shocked and confused while your companion tries to hold back a laughter.

Your friend seemed to have known the principal's fondness towards you, deciding to secretly help him through making him jealous without you knowing that was proven when Gakuho reveals. "(Random name), I don't want you getting too close with my assistant, unless you might want to face some consequences. You're lucky that I still have some mercy left to give you some warning. What will you say in return for my kindness?" 

Your friend only smiled, quite charmingly so before bowing in respect to the superior while responding politely while treading carefully to avoid any further misunderstanding that would be beyond their objective. "Sir, I assure you that wasn't my intention. I'm just a good friend of Y/N and I'm already taken, so you don't need to think wrong about the relationship between us. Thank you for not driving yourself with emotions, sir. I'll further do my best in continuing to work here. May I have my leave?"

Gakuho clears his throat from being subtly embarrassed, giving your friend permission to leave you two.

Before making way to the door, (Random name) gives you a subtle wink that made you slightly shake your head in amusement, finally understanding the situation that you couldn't help, but laugh minimally before asking to your only companion. "Were you jealous, sir?"

Gakuho remains silent as he went back to his seat, letting it face you first before he occupies it.

Noticing your smug and expectant features caused him to cover up his embarrassment with a teasing remark of his own as he smirks. "If you are so dauntless, why don't you act it out? Aren't you getting tired standing? Why don't you take a seat?"

Noticing that there's no other seat than his own, you were the one left to be embarrassed after knowing what he was up to. Your guess was proven to be true when he gently pats his lap, reassuring you that there's nothing to be embarrassed about and that his patience is growing thin. Not wanting to anger him as his emotions remain unknown and a mystery to you, you followed his instruction.

Facing his desk where the papers lie, you suggest. "Why don't you take some rest, sir? I'll take care of these reports for you."

Gakuho raises a brow before remarking. "Are you underestimating my skills in completing simple tasks?" 

"If such tasks are what you deemed simple, then why haven't you completed it yet?" You asked after seeing quite the amount of reports and other school related documents he needed to tend to that he haven't even started yet, proceeding to start, but he stops you with a gently hold on your wrist.

"You already know the answer. Something had been bugging me earlier, but everything is all fine now." He revealed, adjusting himself so that he would be able to reach a pen and a paper before starting to work with them, but you noticed him having a difficulty in your opinion and also the position you are in is starting to make you feel flustered.

"It looks like I'm blocking you from having a proper view---" You were cut off when you felt his arm securely wrapping around your waist as he leans closer, letting himself rest against your shoulder as he requests for you to relax before continuing.

"Don't move, like I said, this is a simple task that even having you seated in front of me does not hinder me finishing it." It was just his luck that the problem did not need to be solved with much effort in his behalf despite it's undoubtedly going to be an easy elimination, being contented with finally having you by himself and openly expressing his devotion while he has the chance.

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