(Chiba Ryunosuke) Unknown Hero

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Warnings: Death, murder, killer, slight bloody scenes, and protectiveness. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


A loud gunshot rang throughout the vicinity as the body of a bulky man laid limp with a huge thud following after. Puddle of blood starts to form around his head as police sirens reached your ears a few moments later as you release a shaky breath in which you didn't know you were holding one. Your thoughts are still in a frenzy that you didn't question on how the police arrived after the incident. They were actually contacted by the one who killed the man, pretty ironic.

You can't take your eyes off from the lifeless body of the man who tried to assault? Kill you? You didn't know what that man wants, but you were very sure that you never wanted to know in the first place. You wanted to thank whoever shot the man dead, but that someone is a murderer. Does that mean he's also a bad guy? But he just saved you and you think of him as a hero. Even though you're a student trained to be an assassin because of the twist of events that caused it, you can't imagine yourself killing a real human being. Your target wasn't even human to begin with!

You snap out of your staring contest with the lifeless and glassy eyes of the man when you felt a hand touching your right shoulder. You slowly turn around and see a police officer giving a small smile and telling you that it's going to be okay. You were then led by the officer towards the police car waiting for them as it drives off towards the police station after the two of you gets inside. The cool air coming from the air-conditioning inside the office where you are being interrogated added to the nervousness that you felt.

Even though you were not handcuffed and it wasn't your fault, you felt like a criminal by how the other police officer behind the desk give you a look. You then tell him all the details that happened. From the end of your class, though you didn't say anything describing the oddness of your teacher since it's supposed to be top secret, to the earlier events that happened in a blink of an eye. The police officer softens his stern glare after your narration. He notices and greets the guardian that finally arrived after the interrogation.

You immediately hug your mom while trying not to let your tears fall, not liking the idea of a stranger witnessing you crying. The mother and daughter left the station after the older woman thanked the officers. Although for you, the one your mom should be thanking is the one who killed the man, but you just kept it to herself. A question suddenly pops up in your mind... who informed your mom and the police about it?

Because of the sudden turn of events, you weren't able to contact your mom and it's not like the police officer had her contact information, right? Not likely. How about the police? Was there someone who witnessed it and immediately contacted the police? Probably. Meanwhile, a certain ravenette clenches his teeth as he mentally curses because of forgetting to put a silencer on to muffle his shot.

His maroon eyes look at the ambulance where the dead man's body is being put inside with the white cloth becoming a bit red caused by the accurate shot that he made earlier just to save his darling. When he heard that you're going to take a shorter route towards your house, he immediately decided to follow you just to ensure your safety. He had been following you for the past weeks, even though he could've just decided to walk home with you since he can but where's the fun in that, with the same objective, but now it has doubled since the route that you'll take will be more dangerous than your usual one.

And so, with the real sniper ready, since he knows that the anti-sensei ones will be no help, he began his journey in following the (color) haired classmate of his. The said boy takes a few deep breaths as he tries to calm down. He just killed someone and he didn't feel any guilt over it. Why would he? That man is going to do something bad to you if he didn't kill him. It was just his luck that the real sniper he always bring to school looks like the anti-sensei and it didn't cause any suspicion to his class, especially to a certain fellow sniper.

If he's going to kill another one just for the sake of saving his darling again, he wouldn't bat an eye and do it without remorse. He's your hero, after all. A rare smile starts to form upon his lips as he heard the conversation you had with your friend who recommended you to watch an anime about heroes in which you express your awe to Fuwa by exclaiming that you also wanted to be saved by a hero of some sort followed by a small chuckle as you knows that it will be impossible.

Well, he will do everything just to show you that you can be saved by one. He starts to imagine the different scenarios that revolve around your reaction after what had happened earlier when you'll go to class. Will your eyes lit up while mentioning how thankful you were to the person who saved you? Or is it going to be filled with fear as you tremble while reminiscing what had happened?

He shakes his head to let the thoughts disappear as he hopes that it will be the first one. The sniper already hidden inside its case as he started to walk down the path towards his own home, already knowing that you are going to be safe after he informed your mother about the incident. The next day when you arrived at the classroom, you were bombarded with questions from your concerned classmates, especially Fuwa. All of them dispersed as they were pushed one by one by yellow tentacles. Koro-sensei calmly tells them to give you some space, but before you could thank him, he was the one questioning you instead.

"L/N-san! Are you okay?! My dear student! I apologize, I wasn't there to protect you! What kind of a teacher am I if I'm not able to help my student in times of need?" You sweat drop at your overdramatic teacher who was squealing while running away from some of his other students who tries to attack him, they're quite annoyed by the fact that their teacher scolds them by being to loud while asking you some questions, even though he's louder than them.

You were quite surprised when a certain quiet classmate of yours decided to start up a conversation about the incident after standing beside her. Even though his eyes are covered by his hair, you could feel his stare that seems like pierce through your being, trying to know you more, even though he had already known more than a few information about his beloved. You two were childhood friends, after all.

"Ryunosuke-kun? Is something wrong?" You curiously asked.

He sweat dropped, making a rebound of your question. "Should that question supposed to be directed to you?"

You shrug, releasing a s chuckle before reassuring him. "I suppose... I'm fine, really." You give a childish grin as Chiba gives a small smile in return and asks what had happened, though he already knew the answer.

"Something bad almost happened to me, but then boom! I heard a gunshot and the next thing I knew is that he's already dead." You gesture your hand while stating to emphasize what happened as Chiba finds it adorable.

Your cheeks that puffed out as she prepared for saying boom while your hands made an action to it as your eyes seem to sparkle before he asks. "What do you think about them?"

"Them?" You blink, resting your arms back to your sides as you look at him with confusion and curiosity.

"The person who killed the man. I don't know their gender, so I just used them." He explained as you tap your chin a few times with your index finger as you contemplate on whether or not you should tell him about your real thoughts about the killer.

You decided to be honest and answer. "Hmm... Even though they killed, I still see them as a hero since they saved me. If it wasn't for them, I don't know what would've happened to me at that time and I certainly don't even want to imagine it." You excused yourself to talk about the anime that was recommended to you to Fuwa.

The one that is about heroes and quirks in which you had taken a liking to watch as it had caught your interest, wanting to talk about it with someone who also likes it. The two of you start chatting about the upcoming season and movie of the said anime as Chiba lingers his gaze to your figure a bit longer before going back to his seat as the class will start soon. He was quite happy to know that his darling sees him as a hero. And a hero needs to save his darling when she's in danger. But what if he was not there when this happens? That's why he already planned to keep you safe from the world filled with dirt that's tainting you.

Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora