(Akabane Karma) Missing Husband

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Warnings: Deaths, killing, bloody scenes, and implied drugging. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The night was already starting to get deeper as the time passed by, but finally, the distance between your car and your destination had speedily gotten lesser until you finally arrived. Passing through the gate that automatically opened once knowing it was one of the owners making their entrance, you sighed in relief upon seeing that you're not alone. You had just gotten home from your job, sluggishly getting out of your own vehicle after parking beside your husband's own. Seeing as he had already arrived before yourself, your mood subtly become better, knowing what awaits you once you step inside your abode. 

You've made an easy entrance, closing the front door behind you before you further went inside. Stopping beside the shoe rack, you take off your footwear before replacing it with ones that are intended to be worn inside. Continuing, you have placed your bag on a nearby small table before letting yourself be pulled towards where the delectable aroma of your meal came from. Arriving at the entryway that connects your location to the kitchen, you leaned against the wall before gazing in awe at the familiar figure of your husband. Staying a good distance away from Karma for him not to notice, you take this time to observe. 

You know your husband is a good cook and caused by your recent hectic schedule, you're always eager to have a fine meal with him along with pleasant conversations. This moment is not different as Karma senses you observing him. He already anticipated such action of yours after hearing the door opening and closing along with the familiar sound of your footsteps. Letting the meal cook for a while after covering the pot to fasten the process, Karma approaches you with a smile before endearingly kissing you. He then embraces you before remembering that it's time to prepare the table.

With another day filled with limited interaction undeniably caused you to miss him very much. So here you are, spending a good time helping him prepare your dinner when it was disturbed by a series of knocks. Just as you are about to place the plates and utensils, the said noise lets itself be known. You curiously gazed Karma, asking if he expects a visitor in which he denied. Confused, but wanting to know who it could possibly be, you informed him that you would get it. Karma lets you be while being wary and alert still as he gazes at your retreating figure, starting to get worried as he prepares something. 

Glancing at the front door once the people outside are visible to him as he passes by, he fastened his actions before leaving unnoticed, making his way towards a secret room before it's too late. As he was doing so with immense panic that led him to think of an only way out of the possible reason behind the officers' sudden visit, you were surprised to see the male and female officers. Despite your concern and curiosity, you greeted the politely before asking them what is their reason behind their visit. Before they answered, they inquired if you're Y/N L/N, in which, despite your confusion, you affirmed.

You're confused as to why they used your former full name instead of your current one, deciding to let it be as you await their answer. Stating their apologies, they then informed you of your husband's disappearance, causing you to be confused before informing them that your husband is with you about to have dinner. 

"Your information is wrong. Why would you tell me that my husband is missing when he's physically here with me." You calmly disagreed with their claim, remaining a secure grip on the doorknob as you denied them fully entering your abode caused by being skeptical still.

"You might be shocked by our revelation, but we can explain and assure you that what we said is true. We've been investigating the case and we remained unsuccessful and decided to have your assistance, if possible." The police officer asked to get inside to meet your husband afterwards, meeting their unfortunate fate that left you utterly affected.

Before they could enter after you opened the door wider, a knife suddenly appeared out of nowhere, almost slicing through your ear when it slipped past through you. You remained feeling it doing so before you then felt horrified with what you're witnessing.

Karma huffed in annoyance when he missed hitting the officer's head for an instant kill as they are alarmed of his assault before immediately hitting him on his forehead that causes him to instantly die. The other officer clearly sees him as a threat, hiding you behind her for your safety before ordering Karma to stop his approach when she noticed him about to do so. The other immediately prepares to aim after acquiring her gun, but before she could shoot, she screamed in pain when two knives pierced through each of her eyes. Along with the thud of her figure on the floor was your abrupt short scream.

You continued to unknowingly gaze at the corpses, unable to close your eyes as your body seemed to be glued to the floor after you lost balance and have yourself seated upon it. Karma immediately approaches you, letting his form fully cover the blood filled scene as he gently caresses your cheeks before letting you completely focus with his eyes. Despite the mesmerizing and unique hue it holds, your mind remained undeterred with repeating the horrid images as their dead bodies didn't seem to leave your thoughts and it won't for a long time as Karma still comforts and reassures you that everything will be fine. 

You looked at him as some of your memories started to resurface upon seeing his familiar features, but having different colors through your occasional blurred vision caused by the tears. Asking if he's your real husband, he evades the question before hugging you tight as you continued to cry, still in disbelief with the happenings as you tried to push him away with the remaining lessened strength you have. It soon completely drained as you heard him mutter an apology before you felt a kiss to your forehead. His heart broke upon hearing you unconsciously mutter your missing husband's name.

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