(Akabane Karma) Reminder

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Requested by: luna_uchiha_raizel
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Possessive and overprotective behavior, mention of blood, torture, and slightly mature theme. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The utensils and dishes being used during the meal that was finished minutes ago was being collected by one of the staffs of the restaurant you and your partner are at. Deciding that it's finally a good time to take in some fresh air, the two of you both start to go towards the garden of the mall. Passing by different people also hanging out in the mall, the conversation between you and (name of your chosen character) was cut short when you released a quiet groan in pain while clutching your wrist where a (color) star mark is inked on your skin that seemed to burn painfully.

You halt in your steps as your companion looked at you in worry.

"Is your mark hurting again? Why do you think it's always like that?" (Name of your chosen character) asked while leading you to a bench as the two of you managed to reach the garden before the interruption.

You clench your teeth in pain, frowning for a moment before having a decision to be stubborn and to not succumb to a certain creature's wish to see you again as he seemed to call you out by inflicting pain to you.

You give a reassuring smile to your companion, letting a lie escape your lips as you release your grip on your wrist. "I... I also have no idea why. It's not that painful though. We can still continue on with our date."

"Are you sure? Do you want me to go to the hospital with you to check it up?" Asked by your companion again with worry.

You let out a forced small chuckle to ease it. "(Name of your chosen character), I'm fine, really. Take your mind out of it and let's just focus on our date, okay?"

(Name of your chosen character) was finally convinced after you gave a jolly grin followed by a thumbs up. "If you say so... Don't hesitate to tell me what I need to do if the pain is too much, okay?"

You just nod in response as the two of you continue on with your date. After taking a small exploration of the garden, fighting off and managing to ignore the call and the pain of the mark, and slowly seeing the time had slowly passed and it's almost getting dark, the two of you decided to end the date by watching a movie in the cinema. Finding the right movie in which your companion had given you the chance to choose while ensuring that (name of your chosen character) will also enjoy it, the two of you went inside the designated cinema and occupied the seats in which the two of you deemed comfortable and right enough to clearly see the movie.

Finally stepping out the cinema and reaching the peak of your pain that you have been managing to hide earlier throughout the whole journey that even made you amazed of yourself at how you were able to do it, you abruptly excuse yourself to your companion. "Can I excuse myself for a moment? I really I need to go to the bathroom."

Being an understandable person your companion is, (name of your chosen character) agreed and told you the location in which the two of you will meet later after you're done as (name of your chosen character) also needed to be somewhere else.

Navigating yourself through the maze like structure of the mall with the other people serving as the walls of the maze, you finally reached your destination and immediately went inside and was relieved to see that you're the only one currently occupying it. You look at your reflection in the nearest bathroom mirror where a snarling demon could be seen beside your own reflection.

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