(Reaper 1.0) Right Fatherly Care

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Warnings: Mentions of death, slight mentions of violence or abuse, and overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Mommy! This is your work! It's amazing!" You joyfully exclaimed as both you and your mother, Ruri, step inside the establishment.

Even though you still couldn't quite comprehend what the other people are doing inside as you pass by different rooms where the insides of it can be seen through the glass window of the room itself and you found the establishment quite dull for the colors the things inside mostly are colored white, gray, or even black, you were still as equally as excited as you were when you first asked your mother to let you visit her workspace because of your curiosity and since there really wasn't any danger in the laboratory yet, she saw no harm in it.

Ruri gives a gleeful smile towards you once you look up at her, still walking towards her own office hand in hand to not get you lost in the wide and many rooms of the building. "Doesn't it, you sweet and curious little munchkin? But no, honey, this is where I work. My work is being a scientist, just like your father. It's how we met."

Your mother gives a close eyed smile, hiding the sadness and a bit of pain behind her statement as your eyes widen in surprise and a bit of excitement to finally be able to see your father as he had been rarely being able to give some time to you because of his work as you ask. "Is he also here?"

"Yes, we'll visit him right now. Give him some hugs when we arrive, okay?" You nod at your mother's reminder and your excitement had grown that was evident by the happy smile on your face along with a small skip on your steps, unaware of the sad and quite fearful expression on your mother's face.

She knew that there really is a big possibility that your father might get angry at her for letting you visit the laboratory, but the person who was supposed to take care of you while they were away had called in for a leave for a month, agreed by the kind woman herself while it was still unknown to her husband, which is why the both of them also need to talk about it later on.

Arriving at the Ruri's shared office with her own husband, she was both relieved and nervous to see that he was still inside and just busying himself with some paperworks. The man inside looked to whoever had entered and his legs were immediately engulfed with a hug from your own. He gives a soft pat on your head as he glared at your mother, disliking the idea of having you here. He pushes you away as gentle as possible while he could still contain his anger as you let go, obediently following, but not able to help yourself by curious and quite adventurous, you proceed to approach an open cabinet and start to touch and pinch the papers inside.

You were too busy that you weren't distracted by the harsh whispers your father directed to your mother, who's wrist is already encased with your father's strong and tight grip. Noticing your absence, your father searched the room and immediately approaches you as Ruri tries to stop her husband, but it was too late. He instantly slaps your hand away from the papers, making you immediately clutch your hand near your chest as you look at him in surprise with small tears starting to build up in your eyes. Your mother immediately comes to your aid, saying that your father didn't mean it while giving you her identification card and tells you that you can explore the laboratory by yourself and just call out to her colleagues when you need something.

You slowly nod and leave the office, covering your ears while fastening your pace when you heard the shouts of your father with your mother also screaming back at him. You let a tear fall before you wipe away the rest, reminding yourself that you are a brave girl and glancing to the side, something had caught your interest. You blink and stare in wonder at the seated man in what looked like a metallic rectangular table of some sorts with his dark and blank eyes staring back at you with the same intensity of curiosity, wondering why could a child be in such a horrid place as this. Seeing your tender and fragile state had piqued his curiosity as it seemed.

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