(Asano Gakuho) My Doll

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Warnings: Manipulation, threat, and overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Good morning, my dear." Gakuho greeted you with a smile as bright as the sun shining outside. 

You always wished to go outside and bathe under the warmth of the sunlight again, but you were only permitted to go out thrice a month, much less now since you're carrying your baby. You snap out of your memory of that horrible night once you felt your baby kicking. You had always wanted a child and a loving husband that makes up a sweet family. But it seems like it will always be a dream, the sweet family will probably never going to be true. This nightmare all started when your little sister, Nami, wanted to introduce her older sister to her teacher. What she didn't know is that it will be the reason of a dark romance.

You went home early from your work and decided to walk your sister home from school. You started your trek towards the satellite campus. If it wasn't for the beautiful nature surrounding you, your tiredness would've doubled. The fresh air wafting through the forest and the occasional chirping of birds gave you a moment of peace as you continue your way towards the building in front of you.

Thankfully, you didn't need to wait for the class to end since it seems like you had a perfect timing. Most of the students also had a guardian waiting for them inside already earlier and they started to go home once the class bell rings. You move to the side to give way for the students and guardians while looking out for your little sister. You adjust the collar of your white polo and dusts of some imaginary dust off of your pencil skirt when you see Nami walking side by side with her teacher towards the door.

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