(Jelavić Irina) Realization

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Warnings: Manipulation, captivity, possessive, overprotective, and obsessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Misfortune seemed to have been fond of you lately, letting you experience unluckiness to certain extremities that you found certainly ridiculous. First situation would be when your boss fired you out of the blue, rejecting any of your pleas or even just revealing the reason behind it was not given to you. Despite finding it not valid that caused you to be unacceptable of it, you were forced out of your former job and not wanting to cause any problems, you begrudgingly left the area with a series of curses within your mind. With every item you own packed quite hastily so, you drove away from the building before experiencing the next one.

Already close to your apartment building and just about to make a turn to park your car, it suddenly released unpleasant series of noises while starting to slow down. You immediately tried to start the engine again, filling the area with its broken revving before it wasn't able to do so after a while. Remembering what could have caused the unexpected state of the vehicle, you found none since you often made sure that it would be good to drive with. You were filled with hope when the kind owner of the apartment presents herself once she steps outside, solemnly gazing at you before making her approach to stand right outside your car window.

Her saddened and regretful features became clear to view once you let the window to not serve as a barrier between you two. You immediately greeted her with enthusiasm, hiding your own worry that resurfaced when she instantly informed you that you needed to move out since there's already someone prepared to give triple the amount just to make a stay. You could only remain silent while trying to not let the tears fall as you reached your room to start packing. Having enough with the miserable situations you've experienced, you searched through your pockets before feeling relieved upon knowing that you still have your phone with you.

Scrolling through the contacts section, you immediately informed your family about your situation. Unfortunate once more, they were currently unable to lend a hand and instead offered words of comfort and reassurance before suggesting that your best friend might be available and could help you out if it would be the case. Finding your chance of it slim, but not empty, you mentally apologized for disturbing Irina before trying to call her. The ringing seemed to have gone forever as you anxiously waited for her to answer. Losing hope, you were about to hang up when you almost slipped upon hearing her voice on the other line.

Hearing her cheerful greeting and statement about missing you and wanting to see you as well, you joked that she could do so now would be the right time before your emotions got you. Releasing a few sniffles along with the tears that start to spill along your reddened cheeks, you informed her of what happened while feeling overwhelmed with the number and intensity of your lack of luck. You were then surprised when you heard her frantic screams for the cars in front of her to move out of her way and not a moment after, she's by your side to help you move out before suggesting that you should just stay with her for the time being.

You snapped out of your reminiscing before resuming to staring at the laptop screen in front of you as you realized that even through the unfortunate moments, you found yourself lucky enough through the challenges you faced, grateful with having a caring, kind, and generous best friend. With your perseverance and determination, another stroke of luck makes itself known once you are notified of an email regarding the company you are trying to apply. It had been awhile since you've been trying to update them with the state of your application, but the wait deemed to be worth it and you cannot wait to surprise Irina with the good news.

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