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Chapter 4326: Your guess!

As time passed by, Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen sat quietly in the library, but they were reading more and more books.

The four beasts were not idle in this situation, and they helped to find them one after another.

Therefore, their reading speed is also extremely fast.

It's just that, after digging through the books on the first floor of the library, they still have nothing to gain.

"Beichen, none of these books have recorded relevant information." Baili Hongzhuang closed the book in her hand and looked at Di Beichen, who was still looking for it seriously.

Di Beichen raised his eyes slightly, nodded and said, "From these anecdotes, I have not seen a few words of description. The situation we have today should be rare."

"Actually It can be seen from the expressions of the hall master and Wu Guanshi at the time that there may be some records in the books on the upper floor." Baili Hongzhuang thought.

"Practitioners with full level are rare in themselves, and the later situation is probably even more unheard of. It is normal to find no record for a while."

Baili Hongzhuang's eyes lit up. "Why don't we ask Guanshi Wu, as an inscription master, coupled with our performance today, maybe there will be some privileges?

What's more, we are not looking at martial arts and martial arts books, but we just want to find some strange stories, it should be okay."

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's proposal, a ray of thought flashed in Di Beichen's eyes, "You can try."

Just when Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen went to Guan Wu to ask for permission to enter the higher level of the library, the master of the Flame Gate, Yun Qingyu, was also looking up relevant information. Wu Wenfeng was next to him.

"The situation I saw today is really rare. Even if I read the ancient books, there is no record of the relevant content."

Yun Qingyu frowned. He have to say that today there were two cultivators with full level talent, which really gave him a big surprise.

He is the only one now. What he don't understand is why the other thing happen later.

He has never heard that other substances other than the attribute will appear when the talent awakens. As for the impurities he raised, he himself is not very sure.

"Sect master, didn't you say that the thing is an impurity? "Wu Wenfeng couldn't help but tentatively asked.

"Although I said so, but after thinking about it, I am afraid there are some problems. "Yun Qingyu thought, "If there are impurities, then their talent level should not be able to reach the full level.

At full level, it means that their talent in this attribute has reached the perfection. Since it is perfect, why are there impurities?"

As Yun Qingyu's voice fell, Wu Wenfeng also nodded, "Sect Master, you are right. In that case, the situation is indeed a bit strange. Actually, I have an unbelievable conjecture."

"What kind of conjecture?"

Yun Qingyu glanced at Wu Wenfeng's hesitant expression, and said, "We are all thinking about this problem now, you can say whatever you think of, don't be cautious."

Upon seeing this, Wu Wenfeng only relaxed a little, "Sect Master, will the other substance that appears here have another attribute?"

Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen have attributes of light and darkness respectively. They are husband and wife, staying together day and night, maybe they have an influence on each other?

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