|81| The Supreme Games: Day 5 - Part 1

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Isaac's P.O.V. (D12)

The acid rain lasts through the night.

After I got ahold of one of the suits, the first thing I did was locate Snow and Melody. Immediately after Sapphire died, the three of us took off running to try and find shelter and get away from the rest of the tributes incase they decided to strike.

After what felt like hours of running through the acid downpour, we managed to find a small cave hidden nearby the maze ruins. With the suits still attached to our bodies and the adrenaline of the feast worn off, there was nothing more we could've done but crash for the night.

Not a single word had been spoken between the three of us on the whole trek to the cave. Once we were inside, backs leaned against the cold cave walls, Melody was the one to speak up first.

"I'll take first watch," she says, slightly out of breath. "You two should get some rest."

Snow was quick to protest. "Wait, but shouldn't we—"

"We can't treat any of our wounds with these suits glued onto our bodies, so it'll have to wait until the morning." Melody interrupts. "You look exhausted. It's fine, we'll take turns. The only thing we can do is wait out this rain and rest up for tomorrow."

I can tell that Snow has a million questions she wants to ask, but her exhaustion wins and reluctantly she shakes in agreement.

"Okay," she says, "but you need to rest too. Wake me up in an hour—I can keep watch the rest of the night."

They lock eyes and Melody nods.

It's been three hours since then, and currently Snow is pressed up against my side, completely passed out from exhaustion. I decided to stay awake and keep watch with Melody.

I adjust my arm around Snow's shoulders and draw her closer to me. Her body is shaking slightly from the cold dampness of the cave. It seems like our suits are only acid proof, but they won't protect us from the cold.

Melody sits on the opposite wall from us, a blank look on her face as she stares outside the cave at the acid that continues to downpour from the night sky. Although no words have been spoken yet, we won't be able to ignore the pressing concerns in the morning.

"You don't plan on telling her that you're family," It comes out more as a statement than a question as I finally break the silence. "Do you?"

Melody presses her lips together tightly. "I can't," she whispers. "If I do, she won't accept my help. I may not know all that much about her, but I know that she wouldn't let that slide. She'd rather die than have one of us sacrifice ourselves for her sake."

"I know," I respond quietly. I turn my head, pressing my lips to the top of Snow's head. She murmurs sleepily.

"What about you, though?" Melody asks me. "You've been trying to protect her from the very beginning, but don't you want a shot at getting out of here too? Don't you have a family back home to return to?"

I give her a sad smile. "It's not exactly that simple," I reply truthfully. "But when I met her, everything in my life paled in comparison to what she's had to go through. She deserves to experience more than just...all this, you know?"

"Yeah," Melody smiles sadly, "which is why I can't tell her about us. If I do, and she wins while I die here, she'll live the rest of her days in regret."

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