|68| Pre-Game Feast

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Sapphire's P.O.V. (D7)

Unlike the last pre-game feast we had, this one is much different.

Walking into the President's mansion, I didn't expect to see so many Capitol citizens dilly dallying around. Some are drunk, some are laughing, and some are observing the twenty-four of us like caged animals.

"Sapph? Do you think these are the sponsors?" Misty whispers to me.

I shrug my shoulders. "Most likely. They could also be the game makers, or random citizens who snuck in." She quietly laughs.

As we enter the dining room table, I feel my eyes enlarge. I thought the last feast had a lot of food! There's about triple the amount of food from the last time. More foreign looking meats, fruits, breads and desserts. Even after all this time at the Capitol, the food still manages to amaze me!

Nobody gives us instructions on what we can and cannot do, so I make the first move and head on over to the tables. Following behind me comes Misty, and then Artemis, and before you know it, all the tributes are scattered amongst the room.

"Well kiddo, this is our last full meal until we're brutally slaughtered, pile it up." Instead of shivering or looking at me with scared eyes, Misty smiles. I'm glad she doesn't take my words too seriously, unlike most other tributes we've fought against.

Although there are thousands of options to choose from, I go very basic with steak, potatoes, greens, and grapes. A little inspiration from an old victor, Johanna Mason.

Once Misty and I are all done picking out our food, we select a vacant table and save some room for the rest of our allies.

I don't bother waiting for anyone, I immediately begin shoveling the delicious food into my mouth. From the corner of my eye, I see the President clink a fork on his glass, gaining everyone's attention. I mentally groan, roll my eyes and turn to face the front.

"Thank you everybody for joining me here on this lovely night. Game makers, sponsors, and most importantly, tributes." He grins and the Capitol citizens give a mild applause.

"As you all know, this is the last night before the Supreme Games so I would like to take a moment to thank you, tributes, for your bravery, honor, and sacrifice. I wish you all the best of luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

People raise up their wine glasses in the air. I don't.

"A toast! For these young tributes, may the best one win!" People clink their glasses together. The reason? I don't know why, it's such an odd thing to do. I shrug and continue to eat.

Hopefully the odds will be in the rebels' favor.

Ah, who am I kidding? It's the hunger games. A quarter quell. The odds are in nobody's favor.

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