|31| Reaping D7

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Sapphire's P.O.V.

Hi. My name is Sapphire Calla and I'm sixteen years old.The Capitol killed my family, so now I'm living all by myself. Let me tell you more about it.

When I was only ten, my brother was fourteen and my little sister was three. During the 94th Hunger Games, my older brother was forced into the games. He tried to get his classmates to join him in a mini strike against the games in his school, but he failed miserably. The peacekeepers came in and instead of shooting him, they forced him into the games, since it was only a few weeks away.

When his pedestal rose up, he was immediately shot in the leg with an arrow by the game makers which made him lose his balance and fall off, exploding to bits when he hit the ground. When I saw that from my television I ran away into the woods, trying my best to pretend that it never happened. I could hear my dad yelling and crying hysterically from inside. I don't remember what happened after that, but when I came back that night, I saw my parents and my baby sister lying dead on the floor. I don't know what they did, but whatever they did costed them their lives.

So, that's my story. Almost exactly six years ago that happened. You could say that I'm a wannabe rebel against the Capitol, but I know I'm not the only one.

Today, I plan on going into the games, just like my brother did. But first, let me tell you a little more about myself.

My name is Sapphire, but you already know that. I was named after my great grandmother. I was told she died in the war before the hunger games started.

I have dark blue eyes and dark brown hair, nearly black. I get my hair from my mom and my eyes from my dad. I have experience with knife throwing and using axes. Even though it's illegal, I taught myself how to use weapons. In District 7, you're expected to know how to handle an axe, but I like to use knives too. I'm not exactly a rebel, but I plan to go into the hunger games by being forced into it, just like my brother.

Today is reaping day and I plan to pull an Artemis. Remember her from District 5? You know how she killed a peacekeeper?

Yes, I do know about that, even though many people don't.

Putting on a fresh pair of clothes and grabbing an axe along with few throwing knives, I run out of my house and into the woods. I keep going until I see the fence. I hop over it, but not too far away. I want to make sure guards can see me.

I hold my axe and keep walking. About ten minutes later, I see a deer. Without hesitation, I throw my axe at its head and it gets lodged in its skull. I smile and walk towards it.

After a few steps, I hear someone shout, "Hey!"

I turn around to see three peacekeepers running towards me. I keep smiling as I yank out the axe. As soon as they reach me, they smirk deviously.

"You're in big trouble, missy."

As they approach me, I throw my axe at one of them. Before he can react, it gets stuck in his chest. The other two look at each other in alarm and then back to me. I take the opportunity to throw a knife at one of them but they move out of the way, just before it can hit his heart. They take out their guns and try to shoot me, but with every bullet they miss. I throw another knife and this time it lands in one of the peacekeeper's hearts. He drops to the ground dead.

Now, there's only one left.

Before I can get another knife out, he tackles me to the ground and punches me in the nose. I gasp in pain as blood gushes from my nose. He kicks me to the ground and holds my arms behind my back.

He faces me and smirks. "Happy quarter quell, tribute number one."

When he takes me back, I smirk to myself.

The Supreme Games - Book OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora