|69| The Final Arena Layout

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

Oh boy, I don't think I'm prepared for this.

I have only a couple minutes before the next Capitol Update and I'm nervous as hell.

This arena is complicated. Too complicated. I don't know where to begin explaining the layout.

Of course the President had to make it so complex. It's the One Hundredth Annual Hunger Games! Figures he would make this torture chamber three times more treacherous than it normally is.

"Aurelia, you're on in one minute." The camera man reminds me. I sigh and nod my head.

Deep breaths. Just start from the very beginning. Don't overthink it. People love interesting arenas! It shouldn't be a problem. Since the President has been occupied with the tributes at his mansion, I was able to talk to Aurelius about our plans. Unfortunately for us, we couldn't discuss too much since Lucius has eyes and ears everywhere.

"Ten seconds!" The camera man puts on his headset and points to me. I shake my head and take a deep breath. It's time to lock in and focus.


I smile brightly at the cameras. "Good evening, Panem! I hope you have all been wonderful! As you know, the Supreme Games begin tomorrow! How exciting is that?" I swear I can hear the imaginary Capitol cheers and hollers in my head.

"This update isn't about the tributes, but it's actually about the arena layout! Since this is a quarter quell, the game makers have decided to add a special twist to this arena. Now it is very complex, and there is a lot of information to take in, so I'll do my best to explain everything. However, if you don't want to know what the arena will be just yet, I suggest you turn off your television and skip this announcement. We wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for you!" I take a deep breath and begin.

"Let's start with the cornucopia, shall we? This year, the game makers decided to go to the extremes while creating it. The cornucopia is smaller than normal but filled with lots of goodies, and it is being held and lifted up on a two thousand foot high giant platform from the bottom of a dark abyss. You heard it right—this year's cornucopia is located in the middle of an abyss. It's similar to the summit of a volcano, except much larger and deadlier. Think of it as the cornucopia having its own pedestal, just like the tributes!

"How will the tributes get to the cornucopia, you may ask? Well, here's the thing. Since the cornucopia is elevated on the platform, the tributes must climb an unsteady rope ladder on an incline over the abyss to get there. That's right, if the tributes fall off their rope ladder or if someone chops it off, they will fall to their death down the two thousand foot abyss, where giant spikes lie at the bottom. So yes, if the tributes wish to get weapons or survival equipment from the cornucopia, they must risk climbing one hundred feet on an incline over the abyss to get there. Once they're at the cornucopia and wish to get back to land, they must zip line their way back. Camping out at the cornucopia would be highly not recommended.

"Each of the tributes' pedestals are a far distance away from each other, and instead of forming a semicircle around the cornucopia, they will form a complete circle from all sides of the cornucopia. And yes, the cornucopia opens from all sides so all tributes will have an equal opportunity to get their hands on a weapon. This year's cornucopia area is five times bigger than the biggest one in Hunger Games history, how incredible! You are all in for a treat.

"Rather than having the tributes begin on a pedestal on land, their pedestals will actually be similar to that of the cornucopia! What does that mean? It means that the tributes will each be launched up on a two thousand foot high pedestal, only three feet in diameter! If they do not wish to climb up the rope ladder to the cornucopia, they have the option to zip line in the other direction down to the forest. However, there will be no way back up to the cornucopia if they decide to change their minds. Which means that they will need to depend on either sponsors or the natural resources of the arena to help them out!

"Speaking of the arena, outside of the massive abyss where the cornucopia stands will be a forest geosphere. I'm sure that doesn't sound very exciting, but that's not all! Additionally, the arena will be changing every day! Yes, you heard that correctly! It won't matter if the tributes try to get comfortable with their surroundings on the first day because it will be changing as they go! Some arena changes will occur overnight and some will occur midday while they're awake. There will also be special attractions every day in the arena, so be on the lookout for that! The game makers have already decided on the attractions, so there will be no Capitol poll this time.

"Remember, the tributes only have five days total in the arena. If there is no victor by the time the fifth day ends, the arena will begin to collapse upon itself beginning at midnight on the sixth day and there will be no victor for this year's Supreme Games.

"That about does it for The Supreme Games arena layout! I know it's a lot to take it, so I hope I was clear with my words." I take a huge breath of air, my mouth nearly dried out. These poor tributes have no idea what they're in for.

"And to end, I have a question for you all. Who do you think will take home the crown and win The Supreme Games?"

To be honest, it's hard to tell. Every single one of these tributes have the potential to win, and most of them have a family to go home to. It's heartbreaking, but it is the hunger games after all.

"I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."

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