|59| Capitol Update: Winners

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Well everybody, this is it! The end of the second games! Boy, day four was rather exciting, don't you think? All that blood and gore really made things so much more interesting. And not to mention, we have our twelve finalists! But first let's take a look at the fallen tributes today, shall see?

First one to die today was Charlotte Pierce from District 13. While she was hunting for food, she fell into one of the traps created by Ash Heathers! It was a pretty damn good trap if you ask me. She walked right into the net without realizing it! Charlotte fell to her death, which had an activated mine at the bottom. Her body completely exploded when she hit it, leaving only fleshy remains.

The first tribute eliminated during the feast was Isabelle Lockheart from District 10. Very interesting, I must say, that the lion was able to jump all the way from the cornucopia to where she was! That must've been at least seventy-five feet or so! Isabelle was crushed on impact, but the lion feasted on her body afterwards.

After Isabelle we had River Fahrenknot. He was in a battle of the biceps against Titus Purdom from District 10. The winner was almost unclear, but that was before River ran out of energy, allowing Titus to cut off his hand and stab him in the back of the neck.

Next up we had Midnight Wren. People were awfully shocked with this one. The once calm, cool, and collected girl from District 7 became rather desperate and frantic when Brooklyne from District 10 had the upper hand. Midnight didn't die right away when Brooklyne sliced her face, but it did take a good stomping until she was declared dead. Midnight has the most votes for the most unique death, having her face stomped on over and over again before she was unrecognizable.

After Midnight was a shocking Marcus Brix. Again, people were shocked that two out of the three remaining tributes from 11 perished in the feast! He was killed by Isaac Novak—an unexpected twist from this sweet tribute from District 12! I told you that boy had some fight in him! Isaac stabbed Marcus in the gut, which was nearly an instant death. He then fell down one of the holes, but died before he reached the bottom.

This arena layout seemed to be a success, something the tributes could easily utilize, because there was yet another tribute who fell to their death! We had Cloe Briar thrown down a hole by Chad Harlow from District 13. Cloe seemed to have been rather calm during the first few days, but out of nowhere she turned into an aggressive tribute! I guess that aggressiveness led to carelessness. She charged at Chad, but his strength easily overpowered her own. With Cloe now deceased, that eliminates District 8 entirely from winning the Supreme Games.

And now...the death we have all been waiting for! What an ending this made—people in the Capitol thought it was absolutely perfect! Probably just as exciting as the end as the first games, if not more so!

Last but certainly not least, we have...

Ash Heathers from District 12!

That's right folks! When I say it went out with a bang, I mean it went out with a bang! Literally!

Ash was forced by the duo from 10, who decided to ally with him, to activate one of the mines from inside the cornucopia so they could offer up a tribute to the game makers, almost like a sacrifice! Brooklyne and Titus's original plan was to offer Ash, first to skin him alive and then to blow him to pieces. And then when he blew up, he would be in ashes. Yes, the irony is in his name!

However, it took a turn of events. Once Ash was done activating the mine, he ran towards Titus who wasn't fighting anyone for the time being. But before Ash could reach his ally, the last lion jumped in between the two, paralyzing Ash in place. The lion then backed up a bit, giving itself space for a runway. And then the action began! The lion ran full speed towards Ash and launched him with such great ferocity that he flew in the air like a bird. Within a distance of fifty feet or so, he landed right on top of his own mine, blowing himself up! It all seemed to go by in slow motion.

Lion - 1
Ash - 0

And that concludes all the deaths for day four! A pretty great ending to the second games, if I do say so myself! Don't forget that we will be having finalist interviews in one month, and we will be bringing back the twelve winners from arena one! I hope you haven't forgotten about them yet! You will get to see how the twenty four victors will interact. How exciting!

The Supreme Games will be taking place in a little over a month on December 27th. Make sure to vote for who you think will make it out alive!

That's it for now! Don't forget to tune in one week from now. I'm Aurelia Tempersmith and this has been your Capitol Update!"

"And cut!"


Recap of Day 4 Deaths:

-Midnight Wren, District 7

-Cloe Briar, District 8

-Isabelle Lockheart, District 10

-Marcus Brix, District 11

-River Fahrenknot, District 11

-Ash Heathers, District 12

-Charlotte Pierce, District 13


Winners of the Second Games:

-Winter Cross, District 7

-Sapphire Calla, District 7

-Levi Huffaker, District 7

-Astrid Faintree, District 9

-Misty Jisondo, District 9

-Brooklyne Archer, District 10

-Titus Purdom, District 10

-Bo Aspen, District 11

-Snow Tempest, District 12

-Isaac Novak, District 12

-Melody Carson, District 13

-Chad Harlow, District 13

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