|11| Interviews D1 & D2

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V. (Interviewer)

"Good evening, Panem, and welcome to the interviews for the fourth annual quarter quell!" I smile happily as the audience erupts in cheers.

"Now before we begin, I would like to share with you how this is going to go. We are going to have the districts come up in order, so all five tributes from each district will be interviewed at the same time! Each district will have thirty minutes to shine. Let us give a round of applause for our District 1 tributes Crystal Rosewell, Velvet Stonedale, Pearl Hampton, Rust Kanson, and Princeton Sterling!"

The crowd starts cheering as the District 1 tributes stride onto the stage.

"Welcome District 1! Let's get right into the questions, shall we? I'll start with our youngest tribute, Pearl!" The crowd starts cheering her name and she smiles.

"So Pearl, what made you want to volunteer at the age of seventeen? I mean, most careers volunteer once they're eighteen."

She clears her throat and speaks, "Well, my parents think I'm physically weak, but I'm not. I just don't like training with other people. They tell me everyday that I'm a disgrace to our family. They want me to follow in my ancestors footsteps. My great grandpa won the 2nd games, my grandma won the 48th games, and not too long ago, my brother won the 94th hunger games. On the day of the reaping, they told me that I don't deserve to be a part of our family. So, I volunteered. I got so sick of staying home that I had to get away. Easy as that." The audience coos and gives a round of applause. I nod in acknowledgment, moving onto the next tribute.

"Rust, my dear!You seemed so eager to volunteer! Tell me why you want to be in the Hunger Games?"

"I want to bring the honor to my district." he replies in short. The crowd shouts and claps in response. He simply smirks at them.

"Tell me, Rust, a good looking man like you, do you have a special girl at home?" I ask.

"Nope," he pops, "I'm too busy training to have a girl."

"That's it, Rust!" a man screams from the audience. Rust just laughs at that. The audience gives a few chuckles.

"But that Aqua chick from 4 is pretty cute," he suggests rather seductively. He gives a wink to the front camera. The behind the scenes camera zoom in at Aqua and Coral, Aqua giving a dirty glare at him. Only if looks could kill. Coral looks just as disgusted.

"Well, then! Thank you, Rust." Rust smiles smugly and sits further in his chair. I decide to move on to Velvet.

"So Velvet, do you think you'll make it into the Supreme Games?" I ask her.

"Duh! I'm here to win, remember?" she boasts proudly.

"Wow, keep up with that attitude and you'll most definitely make it into the Supreme Games!" I say. She smirks and I continue.

"Who do you think is your biggest competition here?"

"Well," she begins, "no one really. I mean, I think I'm the best—no, I know I'm the best, but Princeton here ain't bad," she says and gives Princeton a little nudge on the arm.

"However, we're allies. We'll see what happens in the Supreme Games." she states. The crowd starts to chant Velvet's name. Since she brought up Princeton, I decide to go to him next.

"So Princeton, what do you think of Velvet's little speech?" I ask him.

"I've known Velvet all my life and she is right about making it to the Supreme Games." he gets cut off by the audience's blood curdling screams.

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