|50| The Day Off

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Vincent's P.O.V. (D8)

Yes! We finally have a day of freedom! Even though it's really cold and there's mountains of snow everywhere, my alliance and I decide to wander the Capitol. The peacekeepers did inject a tracker in our arms, though. They said they need to know where we are at all times just incase we try to escape.

The Capitol set up a fair, but we're going to save that for later. We decide to go in a café to get some hot chocolate first.

Today we can get nearly anything for free, since most of us will be dead in a few days. They hand me a steaming cup of hot chocolate with a subtle hint of peppermint. We find a table in the corner, so we sit down and talk about everything on our minds. I press my hands against the cup, trying to absorb the warmth.

"I'm hoping that we get something tropical for the arena. I'm not used to cold weather like this!" Blue exclaims.

We all laugh. "I don't blame you," Ivan replies. "Hopefully we'll all get past the bloodbath."

We all raise our cups and take another drink.

I hope I'll be able to make it through the first day.


Amalia's P.O.V. (D11)

"C'mon guys! Let's go!"

I drag my alliance members out of the building so we can go to the fair. I've never been to one, so I'm pretty excited!

Jakob decided to stay on his floor since he said he was feeling a little sick. A limo waits for us in front of the building, so we gladly enter.

"What should we do first?" Skylar asks.

"I'm not sure, but I heard that there's a cold water challenge where you plunge into a pool of freezing cold water." Aloe says.

My eyes widen. "Um, how about we skip that?"

She laughs. "You can, but I wanna try it!"

Five minutes later, we reach the fair. Isabelle immediately dashes to the food cart, and after smelling a sweet aroma of baked goods, I don't hesitate to follow. She orders cotton candy and I order a caramel apple. Good thing everything is free for us!

"Should we play for the prizes or should we see Aloe do the challenge?" Cloe says.

"I think we all know the answer to that!" Skylar jumps up and down. We drag Aloe to the nearest in-ground pool. Thankfully there's no line yet.

"Um guys, I think I changed my mind—"

"Look! We have a tribute doing the cold water challenge!" Some Capitol man yells. He barely finishes his sentence before a crowd starts to appear, cheering Aloe on.

"Guys? I was just kidding." she laughs nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Nonsense! Lets go!" Cloe says, dragging her to the edge of the diving board.

"No no, I think I'll just—" Before Aloe can finish her sentence, Cloe pushes her in the water. Aloe screams and tries to grab something, which unfortunately happens to be the air.

Once she resurfaces in the water, the crowd cheers and whistles for her.

This is going to be a good day.


Titus's P.O.V. (D10)

I throw another trident at dummy, knocking the whole thing over. Hearing yet another complaint, I roll my eyes. I can't stand the two groaning children sitting on the bench behind me.

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