|42| Interviews D7 & D8

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome, everyone! To part two of the interviews for this year's quarter quell!" The crowd throws flowers on the stage as they scream their heads off. No surprise there.

"We will start with our District 7 tributes, so please give a warm round of applause for Winter Cross, Midnight Wren, Sapphire Calla, Levi Huffaker and Ben Knight!"

The five of them walk onto stage, smiling at the crowd. I greet them warmly. "Hello, District 7! Please, take a seat." They sit down and adjust themselves until they're comfortable.

"Alright, let's begin! We'll start with Midnight. So, Midnight, what do you think of the Capitol so far?" I ask her.

"Well, the food here is spectacular and the beds are really comfortable." She answers honestly.

"That's great! Now tell me, do you do anything at home? Do you work in the forests, or do you go to school?"

"I was going to school, but I was going to stop next year when I'd finally be able to master an axe. I chop wood at my house sometimes, but never anywhere else. I was thinking about quitting so I could get a job."

"Thanks, Midnight." I say as the crowd cheers and throws a few flowers at her.

"Next we'll go to Levi! Levi, do you think you have what it takes to win these games?" Before he could say anything, screams erupt from the audience, mainly the women.

He chuckles. "Yeah, I guess I do. I've been working with an axe for as long as I can remember. I work everyday with my dad to make some money."

"Interesting, now I remember you volunteering at the reaping. Care to tell us why?" I ask him.

"When I saw Ben up there, I knew that I couldn't let him go in by himself. We've been best friends ever since we were in diapers." The crowd laughs and I give a small giggle.

"That's awfully kind of you! Is there any other reason why you volunteered?" He opens his mouth but quickly closes it. He takes a quick glance at his fellow tributes and then looks back at me, eyes slightly faltering.

"Erm, not really."

"Thanks Levi, you're a very brave soul." He nods his head and releases a breath he was holding in.

"Winter! How are you, love?"

"I'm great, Aurelia!" She responds.

"You volunteered as well, did you volunteer for a relative or someone else?"

"I volunteered for my best friend Autumn. I couldn't let her go in because I know that she wouldn't make it very far, plus she just got a new boyfriend I didn't want them to be separated that quickly."

I smile at her. "What weapons do you plan on using during training?"

"I've never actually picked up a weapon before. Maybe I could use something not too heavy, like a bow and arrow." I notice her knee begins to shake.

"Very good. Thanks Winter!" She nods and the crowd goes crazy. I turn to the next tribute. "Ben Knight! How are you doing in the Capitol so far?"

"I'm doing just fine." he simply states.

"Ben, with you, Levi and Winter in an alliance, do you think that you will make it into the Supreme Games?"

"Oh definitely, I'm pretty sure that Winter could pick up a weapon easily. And I know that Levi is a master at axes. I'd like to say that I'm better, but honestly, I'm just a little behind him."

I let out a small laugh. "We'll see who's the better one during training!"

"I guess so."

"Thanks Ben! Last but not least, Sapphire!"

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now