|05| Reaping D5

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Artemis's P.O.V.

I dash into the forest, quickly and quietly, looking for any signs of animals. I slow down my breathing but despite my efforts, little puffs of cold air escapes from the corners of my lips.

It's always cold beyond the fence. Freezing cold. I'm used to though since I'm always out here hunting for food. Ignoring the chilly bite of the late winter breeze, I hold my breath and smirk at what I see.

A beautiful full grown doe.

I pull out my bow and aim. I release to shoot and my arrow gets embedded in the head—a clean shot.

As I walk up to the deer to pull the arrow out, someone steps out from behind the tree and beats me to it. A person in a white uniform. A peacekeeper.

He looks at the arrow and laughs. He snaps it in two pieces, throws it on the ground and turns to me with a smirk.

"We seem to have found our first tribute."

Before I can even think twice, I reload my bow and shoot the arrow at the peacekeeper's heart. He falls to the ground, eyes wide and blood dripping down his uniform. I quickly retrieve the arrow from him body before running away, forgetting about the doe completely.

When I can't run anymore, I climb up a tree. I take deep breaths as I replay the scene over and over in my head.

I just killed a peacekeeper.

I try to ignore the thought and grab my backpack, eating the dried meat I collected from yesterday.

I hunt because I'm an orphan with no family provide for me. I live in an old house by myself because both of my parents died from the flu, but I've gotten used to living on my own. I have my daily routine.

Wake up.







Everyday I steal food from grocery stores, but nobody has caught me yet. I would usually steal some cookies, or some fresh fruit, bread or anything I can't catch in the forest or make from the ingredients I have at home.

Before my parents died, my dad wanted me to know how to use a weapon for hunting, and incase I was ever reaped. I tried axes, swords, spears, knives, but they never worked. My last attempt was with the bow and arrow because that's what my dad used. I became a natural at it the first day. I guess it runs in my genes.

When my dried meat is all finished, I scale down the tree and start walking back to my house. Once I'm within range, two pairs of arms suddenly grab me and hold me tight. I try kicking behind me, using the full force of my body to elbow the large bodies holding me, but someone kicks the back of my knees and I grunt, falling to the ground.

"You're in big trouble missy," One peacekeeper whispers in my ear.

I just chuckle. "Lemme guess, I'm going into the hunger games?"

"That's right." Peacekeeper number two says.

"Yay! It's such an honor going into the fourth quarter quell! I was going to volunteer this year!" I reply with fake enthusiasm. It's a lie.

They raise their eyebrows at me suspiciously but don't say anything. A volunteer in District 5? How stupid can they be?

After a long period of science, I finally say, "Are you going to bring me to my house so I can change?" That seems to snap them out of it. Without speaking they nod their heads and bring me to my house.

Once I'm there, I head into my room and see what I can wear. I don't have too many nice clothes, maybe a dress or two. I decide to go with a knee length forest green dress. I comb through my hair with my fingers to get the knots out. I finish with a black headband and black shoes and head out the door. As expected, the two peacekeepers were waiting for me. When they look at my shoes, they shoot me a dirty look. I grunt.

"If I'm going into the games, I might as well feel comfortable!" I respond, annoyed. They don't say anything. They just grab my arms and lead me to the town square.

I'm not afraid of these games.


Bluanna Banks P.O.V. (District Escort)

I look at my reflection in the mirror and sigh. This is my fifth year of being a district escort and it is really boring. I choose tributes. They go into the hunger games. They die in the bloodbath. Families cry. I would actually like to have a victor from this district!

I put on my blue mascara and matching eye shadow ever so slowly. My light blue dress is sticking up so I flatten it down with my hands. I violently grab my six inch blue heels, put them on, and head out the door to the main stage.

I plaster a fake smile on my face and walk up to the microphone.  "Welcome, District 5! To the One Hundredth Annual Hunger Games!" I announce. As expected nobody cheers, so I continue.

"As you know, there will be five randomly selected tributes, so good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favor..."

Before I grab a piece of paper from the bowl, a loud voice booms "Wait!" I look over to find two peacekeepers holding a girl wearing a green dress and...sneakers?

They bring her up to the stage and motion me down to whisper in my ear. Once they give me all the information about the girl, my eyes widen and I nod in return. The peacekeepers then return to the crowd.

"It looks like we have our first tribute!" I announce in the microphone. I bring the girl up and ask, "What's your name, honey?" The girl yanks her arm back and looks at me in disgust.

"Artemis Natorai, age fifteen." She goes to sit down, crossing her arms and shooting me a dirty glare. I shiver at the intensity of it.

"Alrightly! Onto the next tribute!" I take another slip from the middle of the bowl and read, "Katerina Aspen!"

A small girl comes up to the stage, but she isn't crying. She goes to the microphone and announces quietly, "My name is Katerina Aspen and I'm twelve years old." She has such a soft voice and I almost feel sorry for her..

She turns to me, smiles, and says, "You have beautiful eyes." I smile back and politely tell her to take a seat.

I shuffle the cards around a bit and choose one from the very bottom. I go back to the microphone and announce the name, "Cassidy Vogel!"

A tall girl comes up to the stage and says, "Cassidy Vogel. Age seventeen. I'm intelligent so don't count me out." She glares at the cameras. If only looks could kill.

"Well we certainly wouldn't!" I exclaim. She shrugs and sits down.

"Onto lucky tribute number four!" I take the first slip I touch and read, "Pepper Glassgo!"

A small, foxlike figure comes up to the stage and I ask her her name and age. She mumbles, "Pepper Glassgo. Thirteen." She quickly takes a seat next to Katerina.

"Thank you Pepper!" I say. Now, who will the last tribute be? I take a moment to shuffle around the names and I pull one out.

"Artemis Natorai!" I furrow my eyebrows and turn behind me, only to find Artemis smirking. She stands up and with her fists in the air, she yells out, "Fifty seven times!" She sits back down, with an even bigger smirk on her face.

"Guess we'll have to choose a different slip..." I awkwardly trail off. I grab another piece of paper from the top and say the name, "Hope Caverly!" A strong looking girl walks up confidently to the stage.

"Hope Caverly. I'm sixteen. I fight like a career. And yes, I'm talking to you, careers." She spits. I raise my eyebrows and smirk. District 5 might have a chance after all.

"Well, there you have it! An all girl district! Lets give it up for Aremtis Natorai, Katerina Aspen, Cassidy Vogel, Pepper Glassgo and Hope Caverly!"

There are very few claps coming from the audience. I take the girls and lead them onto the train, excited to get to know more about them.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now