|71| Capitol Update: The Supreme Games - Day 1

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Welcome back everybody! Wow, what an incredible first day it's been in The Supreme Games! What do you all think of this year's final arena so far? It's definitely something that's never been done before. Personally, I think the abyss was a brilliant idea!

Let's begin with the fallen tributes, shall we? First up is Princeton Sterling from District 1! It was certainly shocking to most people, especially since he was a career. I guess Princeton couldn't function properly without one of his arms. He died within the first minute before anyone made it to the cornucopia. Princeton's rope ladder flipped upside down and snapped in half, sending him spiraling down the abyss. Princeton died on impact after falling the full two thousand feet. He was impaled by the spikes that laid across the bottom of the abyss.

After Princeton was Bo Aspen from District 11! Bo tried to sneak up on Titus from District 10, however Titus turned around last second and dodged his blow. Titus knocked the weapon out of his hand and then proceeded to try to stab him. Bo was able to evade most of his strikes, but then Titus managed to cut off one of his arms entirely. He then chopped off one of his legs as well! Bo, having lost two limbs in under one minute, could do nothing more to defend himself. Titus then took his head and smashed his face against metal cornucopia over and over again! He then tossed Bo's body over the edge of the platform, but he died before falling all the way to the bottom.

Next up we have Winter Cross from District 7! People are awfully distraught over the loss of this Capitol sweetheart. Winter was stabbed through the back after Velvet from District 1 had snuck up behind her. She died almost immediately. Her lover, Levi, had witnessed the tail end of her death and was too late to save her, how tragic!

Last but not least, we have Chad Harlow from District 13. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, we have had some very shocking deaths in this bloodbath, but yet again this is The Supreme Games—the best of the best! Chad was struggling to climb up his rope ladder due to his tall stature and bulky build. He made it to the edge of the cornucopia's platform when his rope ladder broke. His ally, Melody, was trying to pull him up. However, they must have lost their grip on one another because he fell, plummeting down the abyss and getting impaled by the spikes, just as Princeton had.

That is all the deaths from today, a mere total of four deaths! These tributes are definitely fighters, but seemingly more careful this time around. They must've learned and experienced a lot from the first two games!

The game makers have decided to let the tributes explore the arena for the first day, but starting tomorrow they will begin sending in attractions! They have pre-planned all of the attractions, so there will not be a Capitol vote.

We have a total of six alliances among the tributes. Our biggest alliance is a group of four—Velvet from District 1, Chance from District 6, and Brooklyne and Titus from District 10.

Next is a group of three—Crystal from District 1, Phoenix from District 2, and Astrid from District 9.

We have another group of three—Elsie and Mia from District 3 and Artemis from District 5.

We also have three separate couplets! First we have Emerald and Kristoffer from District 4. Next is Snow and Isaac from District 12. Lastly is Coral from District 4 and Kostas from District 2. Which pair is your favorite?

Last but not least, we have our standalone tributes. It looks like Misty from District 9 got separated from her alliance after the bloodbath. Will she manage to run into them before anyone else? Her ally, Sapphire from District 7, also got separated from the group and it currently wandering around the arena looking for them. Next we have Levi, also from District 7,
by himself. Poor thing, do you folks think he will avenge his lover's death? Let us know what you think! And finally we have Melody from District 13 by herself after having lost her only alliance member.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day, so prepare yourselves! You're not going to want to miss it.

I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."


Recap of Day 1 Deaths:

-Princeton Sterling, District 1

-Winter Cross, District 7

-Bo Aspen, District 11

-Chad Harlow, District 13

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