|48| Private Sessions

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Aurelius Tempersmith's P.O.V. (Head Gamemaker)

This time around, these tributes are very interesting mix. I don't want the other gamemakers to miss this. I made sure that there's no beer or wine around to avoid the sponsors from getting drunk.

It's around 9:30, so I should probably start now. I just need to decide who from District 7 I want to see first. After taking a minute to make up my mind, I call her out.

"Sapphire Calla!" After about a minute, she walks in, completely calm.

She smirks at us deviously. "Sapphire, age sixteen." she says.

She picks up an axe and without hesitation, she throws it at a target, the axe finding its mark in the skull. She then takes a sheath of knives and puts it around her body. She picks up another two axes.

"Can I have computer holograms?" She asks me.

"Sure? What level?"

"The hardest level."

I raise an eyebrow. "Are you sure? No one gets passed it without getting hit."

"I'm sure." she replies confidently.

"Alright." I shrug my shoulders.

As soon as I turn it on level extreme, I see four holograms charge at her, armed with different weapons. She quickly throws one axe at the chest of one. It disappears and another takes its spot.

One throws a spear at her, but she blocks it with her other axe. She swings the axe at the computers head, decapitating it. An archer replaces it and starts shooting at her.

She gracefully avoids each arrow, killing two more holograms while doing so. When the archer shoots at her again, she ducks behind a hologram with a sword, allowing the arrow to pierce it's back. Sapphire takes one of the three knives on her sheath and throws it at the archer. It finds its mark in the archer's stomach.

Sapphire turns around, not expecting anymore. Not until a hologram sneaks up on her from behind.

I bite my nails, wanting to scream 'turn around!', but she seems to notice it too, as she turns around quickly and throws her axe at the speed of lightening into the hologram's heart.

It shatters, nothing else taking its place. She then takes her last two knives in her left and right hand and throws them at a moving target's heart simultaneously. Both of them landing right next to each other.

I am very pleased with what I see.

"That was amazing, Sapphire! Thank you!" She walks out, and I call in the next person.

"Winter Cross!" The cheery girl walks in immediately, with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Winter and I'm seventeen." She says.

I smile back at her. "You may begin whenever you're ready."

She heads over to the bow and arrow station, picking up a bow and a quiver of twelve arrows.

She asks me for moving targets, so I give it to her. She puts an arrow to the bow and pulls back, taking her aim. She releases and the arrow flies through the air, landing in the skull of the dummy. Quickly reloading, she shoots again, splitting the other arrow in half.

"Do you have anything more challenging than this?" She asks me politely.

"Yes, would you like computer holograms or birds?"

"Hmm, I'll try the birds." she responds.

I hit the button for live birds to come out. They're flying all over the room, but since she's a beginner, I don't expect her to shoot too many.

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