|09| Capitol Update: Allies

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Good morning, Panem! I am here waiting at the base of the station for this year's tributes to emerge from the train any minute! You may all be wondering if any tributes have made any alliances, and luckily for you, we have them!

Our largest alliance has a total of nine tributes! We have all of District 1, Tanner and Phoenix from District 2, Finn from District 4, and Chance from District 6! What a powerful first group!

Our second biggest alliance has five people total. We have all of District 3 allied together! It's nice to see a district stick together. Who knows? They might have a few tricks up their sleeves, being from the technology district and all!

Up next we have our third biggest alliance which consists of Hope, Pepper and Katerina from District 5 and Vanellope from District 6.They'll definitely show the other tributes that girls rule!

Now we'll narrow it down to our pairs. First is the two sisters, Aqua and Coral from District 4. And of course, the brother and sister from District 2, Holly and Kostas, are together.

Next is the lovebirds from District 4, Emerald and Kristoffer. I'm almost positive that they will have some special skills that will woo the crowd over alongside their previous love for one another!

Then we have the two young tributes, Aaron and Kenter from District 6. I don't blame them for allying, they will definitely need each other to survive.

Lastly, there's Cassidy Vogel from District 5 and Jess Sisti from District 6. Will these two eventually renounce love to each other? Or are they just friends? Cassidy has not made her decision on them two being allies, but let's cross our fingers folks! Emerald and Kristoffer might have a little competition here!

Artemis from District 5 has no allies. She claims that she does better working alone. We'll find out if it's true in the arena! Noah Sacher from District 2 also has no allies.

I'm Aurelia Tempersmith, and this has been your Capitol Update."

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