|01| Reaping D1

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Crystal's P.O.V.

As soon as my eyes flutter open, a groan escapes my lips.

Today is reaping day.

Unlike everyone in my district, I hate reaping day. And training. And the President. My older sister volunteered for the 87th Hunger Games when I was only five years old. Her name was Silva.

Silva made alliances with the typical career tributes. She made it through the bloodbath and lasted about two weeks, which was longer than an average game. There were three people left—her, the District 2 male, and the District 6 girl.

The game makers created these horrific mutts that looked like the tributes' families. Once she got to the cornucopia after an hour of sprinting, she turned around to see a mutt that resembled my mom. Silva didn't want to lay a hand on the mutts because of us, even though they weren't real. She stood there with her eyes closed as "we" ate her alive.

I've been training strenuously since then.

Stretching my arms and legs, I smell the familiar aroma of bacon grease floating from the kitchen. I stumble out of bed and head on downstairs to see my mom and my twelve year old sister, Diamond. I shoot her a warm smile and began to eat my breakfast.

"Crystal, I'm scared," Diamond whimpers in a nervous voice. She's one of the few in her class who hasn't been able to master a weapon, which is rare for a District 1 citizen.

"Don't worry, Diamond. You won't get chosen. And if you do, I'll volunteer." I reassure her. There's no way I would ever let her go into those treacherous games. Her mouth forms into a wobbly smile and she wraps her arms around my body, hugging me until I can't breathe. I return the favor.

"I think you guys should get ready. I have your reaping outfits for you!" my mom yells at us from her room.

I give Diamond a quick kiss in the head and make my way over to my room to get dressed. My mom chose out a light purple dress with white flowers on it. Not a typical District 1 look, but cute nonetheless. Diamond stands outside my door wearing a bubblegum pink dress. A very innocent look that suits her well. She resembles a younger version of me, except much prettier. I braid my hair down my back and leave the house with Diamond.

When we get to the square, she holds my hand tightly. I bend down to hug her reassuringly.

"Don't worry, you won't be picked," I whisper to her over and over again, having faith she won't be. A lady then pricks our fingers and we head off to our age groups, waiting for the reaping to start.


Peneloppe Piper's P.O.V. (District escort)

I add bright pink mascara to my eyelashes and apply some more of my matching lipstick. Let's see, I have five minutes until the reaping begins. Perfect timing!

It's such an honor being the escort for District 1, especially for a quarter quell! Out of all people in the Capitol and I was chosen. Not to mention it's my first year! I straighten out my golden pink dress and slide on my matching heels.

"Peneloppe! The mayor is ready!" A camera man yells out to me. I fluff my hair, adjust my sleeves, and give the cute young man a wink.

Once I walk out onto the stage, the audience immediately bursts into cheerful hollers and whistles, clapping proudly. I can't help but smile. I love this district! I walk out to the microphone and begin my memorized speech.

"Welcome, District 1! To the Fourth Annual Quarter Quell!" Before I can get another sentence out, the entire district erupts in applause once more. I smile brightly.

"This year, there will be five randomly selected tributes, so good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!" I walk up to the bowl and make sure to take my sweet time choosing, building the anticipation. I love how antsy the crowd looks! I finally pick up a folded piece of paper and open it up. Clearing my throat, I begin to read the name of the lucky person.


"I volunteer!" A redhead girl from the eighteen year old section dashes from the crowd and practically sprints up to the stage.

"Oh, goodie! A volunteer! And what's your name, my dear?"

"Velvet. Velvet Stonedale. I'm going to be the winner of the Supreme Games, just watch." she says as she smirks at the camera, hands on her hips.

"Feisty! I like it. We definitely have a fighter here folks! Take a seat, hon." She sits down and I continue. I grab another slip and say the name, "May—"

"I volunteer!" A boy from the front section strides up onto the stage. He looks very determined and—ooh! He's muscular! I like him already.

"Another volunteer! How wonderful! What's your name, darling?"

"Princeton Sterling." he announces proudly as he takes a seat. Before I grab a slip, another boy from the eighteen year old section screams, "I volunteer!"

I can't help but laugh. I hold out my hand and pull him to the microphone. "Volunteered before anyone got chosen, eh?" He just smirks in return. "What's your name?"

"Rust Kanson. I'm gonna win for District 1!" The whole crowd goes crazy and chants his name proudly.

"Alright, thank you Rust!" I pat him on the back. "Let's continue, shall we?" I pull another piece of paper and say the name. "Goldina Spanburg!"

A muscular looking girl with blonde hair starts walking up until someone shouts out, "I volunteer!"

A girl with white hair wearing a yellow flower dress runs up to the stage. Goldina glares at her, curses under her breath, and returns to her section.

"Excited, aren't we? What's your name, darling?"

"Pearl Hampton, and I'm seventeen. I'll show you, mom and dad, that I am not weak!" she spits. I see a woman in the back of the crowd start to cry and man trying to comfort her.

"Wow! This is so interesting!" I am enjoying every minute of this. "It's time announce our last tribute. Pearl, since you're so brave, how about you pick the final tribute?"

She walks slowly to the glass bowl, shuffles around some names and finally chooses one. She opens it up and reads, "Diamond Rosewood."

A twelve year old girl starts sobbing as she makes her way up to the stage, but then a girl with similar blonde hair runs up and starts screaming her name, being held back by peacekeepers. As she's thrashing around trying to escape the grasp of the peacekeepers, she screams, "No, wait! I volunteer!"

The girl that looks like an older version of Diamond makes her way up to the stage. The younger one immediately starts screaming and crying.

"Crystal! No stop, that's my sister!"

The older girl comes up to the stage and states her name in a monotone voice, "Crystal Rosewood, age eighteen."

"Wow, honey! You know, you could've waited until someone else volunteered for your sister, right?"


"Let's give a big round of applause for our five tributes, Velvet Stonedale, Princeton Sterling, Rust Kanson, Pearl Hampton and Crystal Rosewood!"

I'm so glad I have all volunteers!

I give the tributes an award winning smile. The crowd bursts into applause and chants their names, so I take that as my cue to lead them into the train. My heart flutters with excitement.

I can't wait to learn more about these five kids.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now