|23| The Games: Day 2

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Emerald's P.O.V. (D4)

I should've killed Velvet when I had the chance. Because of her, I can't shoot accurately and it hurts. It's day two and the sun is just beginning to rise. Kristoffer is still sleeping, so I'm just waiting for him to wake up. Him and I are deep into the forest, far away from the careers. I sigh, looking at my shoulder and noticing that the bandage is soaked in a crimson red.

Kristoffer begins to stir, signaling that he's about to wake up. He looks at me and I smile.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" he asks, rubbing his eyes.

"You looked like you needed the rest so I didn't wanna bother you." I shrug. He chuckles, tossing me a bag of dried fruit.

I eat it very slowly, trying to savor it. We didn't get much from the cornucopia. He got a small pack, a spear, and some throwing knives. I got my bow and arrow and a trident.

"Kris, we need to hunt for more food. We don't have a lot."

He sighs. "You're probably right. Let me change your bandage first."

He opens it up slowly and I hiss once my wound is exposed. We don't have any medicine and we don't have a lot of water. It looks way worse than yesterday.

"You'll be fine," He murmurs, more to himself than to me. But we both know that it's not fine without any medicine. Before he wraps another bandage around my shoulder, we hear a beeping noise. I look up and see something fall from the sky.

"I think it's a sponsor gift!" he exclaims, jumping up to his feet. He opens it up and there's a container of healing cream in there along with a note.

Wash her wound first and then apply the cream. Wrap it up tight. Good luck. I know you guys can win! -G

I laugh and whisper a thank you to Gill, our mentor. He's been mentoring for about twenty years. I'm glad he's the type of person to pour his all into making sure we were prepared.

Kristoffer peels off the bandages again and washes my wound with a little bit of water. He uses a generous amount of cream on top of my wound and wraps it up tight.

I smile at him. "Thanks."

"No problem, Em. Now let's see how well you can shoot now."


Velvet's P.O.V. (D1)

I scream and repeatedly slash the nearest tree until I'm all out of energy. I knew it! I knew those three little twerps would leave! I throw my knives at the trees and I swing my sword at stumps. I sit down, extremely angry. Rust, Chance and Finn all left to go hunting. Princeton has just been watching me, keeping his distance.


"What?" I snap at him.

"If it makes you feel better, we can hunt them today." he offers.

I roll my eyes. "That doesn't help."

"Take a chill pill, eat some rabbit." He hands me some rabbit he caught yesterday. I hesitantly take it, but hunger gets the better of me and I bite off a piece viciously.

"Good girl.Now, what do you wanna do today?"

"I wanna kill." I growl instantly.

"I think that can be arranged," he smirks. "C'mon, let's see who we can find." I don't need help walking. We got medicine from our sponsors early in the morning. It's amazing how quickly it healed my leg.

I grab a pack, some knives and my sword and we head on out. We leave the rest of our supplies there. After ten minutes of walking, we find the rest of the guys. They caught a few rabbits and a squirrel. They put it in their packs and we look for more tributes. I see a small girl climbing down from a tree. I immediately halt the guys.

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