|12.5| D4 Interview

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Aurelia Tempersmith's P.O.V.

"Um—uh, hello Mr. President sir," I mutter, my heart rate going a mile a minute. President Snow grins unsettlingly and walks around me in a circle.

"Ms. Tempersmith, I would like to know why you were talking to Ms. Moore after the interview." He stops moving once he's barely a foot in front of me.

I gulp. I have to make up something fast. This could be it.

"W-well sir, when I got off stage, she came up to me and started yelling at me for not asking her any questions. I dragged her over and whispered to her that if she keeps it up like this, then you, President Snow, will make her life a living hell in the arena." It feels like he's staring directly inside my soul to see if I'm lying. I give my best fake confident look to cover it up. He clicks his tongue.

"Is that so? Then, why didn't I hear any yelling?"

"W-well sir, it's because I slapped her mouth before she could cause a ruckus. There's important sponsors around and I didn't want for things to get out of control." My heart feels like it's about to burst. It's not easy to stutter or look nervous in a situation like this.

He doesn't seem very impressed. "One more thing, Ms. Tempersmith," He pauses. I hold my hand behind my back to hide the trembling.

"If I discover that you lied to me, then you know what will happen." I shake my head yes and put on a serious face.

"Of course I know what'll happen. Why would I lie if I knew that I were to be executed in such a manner?" His looks of suspicion immediately turns into one of satisfaction.

"Very good, Ms. Tempersmith. I believe that you are taking your job more seriously now than ever before. I've taught you well," He sticks up his chin and grins at himself through the mirror.

"Yes sir, I am." I reply with very little emotion in my tone.

"Good, good. Now go get ready, District 4's interview will start shortly."

And with that, he makes his exit.


"Hello and welcome back!" I announce as people slowly start treading their way back into the large auditorium. "Here we have our District 4 tributes! Let's give it up for Emerald Aster, Aqua Reigner, Coral Reigner, Kristoffer Marins and Finn Vanderloos!"

This is the loudest the crowd has cheered so far. District 4 is obviously one of the favorites. They have the siblings, the lovers, and the fighter. "Let's start off with Coral! So Coral, how'd you feel when your name was called for the second time?" I ask.

"I was a bit shocked. But I was happy so now Aqua and I have a bigger chance of winning, since we're both deadly." she smiles but obviously, she's lying. I can see right through her, but the crowd probably can't.

"I bet you two will make a deadly duo in the arena. What do you think folks?" The crowd is quick to agree, chanting Aqua and Coral's names repeatedly.

"Aqua, do you have any special weapon that you use? You are from a career district and all." She looks at Coral, smirks, and says "Yes, yes I do,"

"Would you like to tell us?" I plead.

"Nah, I'll save it for training,"

"Oh, fair enough. So, what about Rust? What do you think of his little crush on you?" Many cheers erupt from the audience.

She rolls her eyes and says, "Are you for real? That guy is all talk and no bites Why do you think his name is Rust? It's because his skills are real rusty." I try to control myself from bursting out in laughter, but the crowd beat me to it. The camera shows Rust blowing an air kiss to Aqua, but we all know he's embarrassed, seeing how red his face is.

"Not so cool now are we?" Aqua yells at him with her fist in the air. The crowd cheers for Aqua. I see Finn patting her back, laughing, then putting his arm around her.

"Oh what's this? You take Finn over Rust?" I ponder aloud. The crowd ooh's and the camera shows Rust with a dirty glare plastered on his face. She smirks yet again and says, "I would choose this guy over that wannabe career any day." Finn playfully shoves her and she does the same thing back. They must've made pretty good friends on the train.

"Aqua isn't the lovey dovey type," her sister adds. "She's a fighter." Coral has a proud look on her face and they do a sisterly handshake, making everyone go wild. I decide that this is a good time to move onto Emerald.

"Emerald, how long have you and Kristoffer known each other for?" I ask her.

"For about twelve years. I met him when I was five."

"Kristoffer, how did you know that she was the one?" I ask.

"I knew it since the day I met her. But I didn't actually prove it to her until I was sixteen. And now we've been together ever since then." The crowd aw's and hollers for them.

"Thank you, Emerald and Kristoffer."

Before I could ask Finn a question, the crowd starts chanting his name. When they die down a little, I ask Finn his first question.

"So Finn, you're strong, you can kill with anything sharp, and you're drop dead gorgeous. Do you have a special lady back home?" The ladies in the crowd cheer and he chuckles.

"Nope, I never really thought about it. But I've made pretty close friends who are girls," he says.

"And who is that?" I ask him.

"Well a lot of them are back home, but one of them is right here." he says as he pokes Aqua in the side.

Coral simply rolls her eyes, "Oh, get a room." The crowd laughs along with the four other tributes. The buzzer goes off, so I say my part.

"And there you have it! District 4's Emerald Aster, Aqua Reigner, Coral Reigner, Kristoffer Marins and Finn Vanderloos!" As they walk off, the audience goes nuts for them. They're even louder now than when they first walked out.

"We will be taking another thirty minute break, so relax, and be back on time for District 5!"

As I walk off I smile to myself. I thought Finn was ruthless career who only wants glory, but it's nice knowing that he's human and actually made a friend that he's supposed to be fighting.

However, it's a very sad thing to see everyone getting along. It's as if this is a summer camp, except everyone dies when it's all over.This year has been like no other, people seem so...friendly towards each other. How on earth will they break friendships and sibling bonds in the arena, knowing that the only way to survive is to kill one another?

Who knows? Maybe the games will change these tributes in an unthinkable way, hopefully lighting a spark inside them for something much more...


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