|16| Training Day 2

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Kostas's P.O.V. (D2)

My head spins as my blaring alarm goes off, rudely interrupting me from a deep sleep. I rub my eyes with the back of my hand and groan. Yesterday was exhausting even though Holly and I just went to the survival stations.

My alarm clock reads half past six which means I only have half an hour to get ready.

I stumble out of bed and throw on a gray shirt, black shorts and running shoes. I comb through my hair with my fingers, taking one final glance at myself in the mirror before walking out of the room. Holly, Noah, Phoenix and Tanner are already eating. I take a seat next to Holly and grab a serving of everything on the table. I'm absolutely starving.

Our mentors and district escort begin to talk about the private sessions tomorrow. The other three lean in, absorbing their words of wisdom.

I lean over to Holly and whisper in her ear, "Don't use the knives today. We can't let anyone know about our skills yet. Save it for the private sessions. We'll focus on different weapons today." She nods her head slightly and takes a bite of her food.

Five minutes before seven o'clock, we get in the elevator and head over to the training room. Districts 1, 4, and 5 are here. District 3 comes in right after us and after five more minutes, District 6. Atlas doesn't give us a talk today, but lets us go wherever we want as soon all the districts are present. Everyone flees to their own route.

"Where do you wanna go?" asks Holly. I scan the room and I notice that the axe station is open.

"Let's try axes." I suggest. She agrees and tails behind me. Upon arrival, we greet the trainer.

"Hi there! Have either of you have any experience wielding an axe?" He asks. We both shake our heads no.

"Axes are pretty difficult to use, but they're one of the most deadly weapons. Since they're heavier, it will take more force to swing, and it'll be harder to yank out. Let's start with a small one." He both hands us a small axe. It's a little heavy, but I think I can work with it.

"Now you don't want to hold it near the end of the handle, but closer to the middle for balance. Now this is what you do. Hit the target as hard as you can, but swipe the axe to your side. You don't really want it down the middle because you can end up impaling the axe in your body instead." He tells us. I do what he says and the axe sticks in the dummy's side slightly. Holly does the same, but hers doesn't stick. She frowns.

"You've got the hang of it! But try swinging harder and faster." the trainer says. We do it again and both of our axes stick in deeper. We grin and high five each other.

"Thank you! Can you teach us how to aim more accurately?" I ask.

He smiles. "Of course."


Velvet's P.O.V. (D1)

This is ridiculous. I've tried every single weapon and I'm an expert at most of them. Most of the other tributes look like they don't know how to even wield a knife properly. I roll my eyes as I see one of the girls from 2 try to swing an axe but it doesn't even get lodged in the dummy. I need a real challenge.

"Hey, 6! Get over here!" Chance glances up from his duel with the trainer. He jogs over and asks, "What?"

I smirk. "Do you need a challenge?"

He immediately smirks back and replies, "Yeah. Why not?" Him and I immediately head over to the duel square.

"Hey, mister! We'd like to practice here." I shout to the trainer at the station.

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