Information Extortion

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"Where did you get this old handkerchief from Miss Stanton?" one of the many maids of the Stanton household asked Amelia as she came to collect Amelia's laundry from her bedroom.

Amelia stopped what she was doing and glanced at the handkerchief the maid was talking about, at first she was going to tell her to throw it out but when she took a second glance she realized where that handkerchief came from.

Amelia got off her bed and walked over to the maid and snatched it out of the maid's hand. "That is none of your concern." She stated snootily.  After examining it closer one more time she handed it back to the maid. "Wash it and when you're done make sure that you bring it straight to me."

The maid took the handkerchief with Amelia's other laundry and after nodding at Amelia she left the room.

Perfect. Now I have a good reason to see Brady again, who knew it would take only a week until I saw him again.

Amelia thought back to the last time she met up with Brady and she recalled how he literally warned her to stay away from him and the more she thought it over - which was a lot than she liked - the more she wanted to know just what Brady meant. He was like a riddle that Amelia just had to solve.

Amelia saw Lily once since she met with Brady and she subtly tried to find out more about Brady but Lily was very reluctant to talk about her brother and changed the subject before Amelia could even find out his second name.

As Amelia thought over different scenarios that could make Brady want her to stay away she came up with more and more ridiculous theories, I mean there is no way Brady can be on a secret mission from another galaxy to try and win over Earth as a backup plan for when his planet explodes because of internal nuclear atoms. Ugh stop thinking like a nerd Amelia.

It was pretty safe to conclude that her theories were straight out crazy but more than that she felt herself going crazy by thinking of Brady so much, just why was she thinking of him? He was below her in every way possible so he obviously had no right to invade her mind that much yet he was.

Amelia let out a huge breath and ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "Just stop it already Amelia." She scolded herself.

"Great now you're talking to yourself." She added an afterthought. "If you don't stop you'll end up more crazy than that bartender at Hillary's party..." she trailed off as a thought just occurred to her.

"Of course." She said with a grin as she grabbed her phone off her breakfront and dialed up Hillary.

"Hillary, what was the name of the bartender at your end of summer party?" Amelia demanded just as Hillary picked up.

"Hey Lia." Hillary greeted.

"Hillary." Amelia pressed.

"Um, I don't know. I don't remember stuff like that." Hillary answered.

Amelia groaned. "Just what do you remember?"

"Ame-" Hillary began but Amelia cut her off.

"Just forget it Hillary, you're off no help." Amelia rolled her eyes before she took in a breath. "Anyway, hope you've been well. Look forwards to catching up soon. Take care, ciao." And before Hillary could respond Amelia hung up.

Amelia took a moment before she dialed Lily.

It didn't take Lily more than two rings to pick up. "A- Amelia... hi, did I miss a tutoring session? Because I don't recall scheduling one."

"Breathe Lily." Amelia said. "You didn't forget anything; on the contrary I was hoping you'd remember something for me."

Lily let out a breath. "Sure thing Amelia, anything."

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