Bumping Into The Past

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A/N Check out the awesome trailer made by @baadwriterrr

"I'm leaving as we speak mom." Amelia spoke into her phone receiver.

"I've heard those words many times before honey, don't be late." Chantelle replied.

"Promise I won't. I love you, bye." Amelia said in one breath and hung up.

Amelia grabbed her coat and purse as she descended her long staircase. She reached down and when she did, she glanced at the tall family picture hanging at the entrance hall of her childhood home and smiled. It had been five years since her father passed and it never got easier but in the five years that passed, she grew a hell of a lot and had learned to come to terms with her loss. However, she still missed her dad very much.

Summer had just begun, and she graduated college a few weeks ago, she was back home and even though she was sceptical about how she would handle it but much to her satisfaction she was simply fine. She was back at her home and in Chicago for a week and it was the first time she was leaving her house.

She was supposed to meet her mother in the city with some clients who flew in from Canada, but she was running a little late, as usual. So, brushing off her thoughts she shut the front door and pulled out her car keys.

She got into the driver's seat of her Porsche and after putting the keys into ignition she pulled out of her driveway. As Amelia drove down the road towards the highway she recalled the times she depended on Stan taking her places and her family rule about females not driving by themselves but so much had changed since her father passed away, she was given more freedom and the first thing she did was get her driver's license.

So much had changed yet remained the same in the last five years, she felt like a new person yet as the same old Amelia as well. With a bachelor's degree in finance she was going to start working at her father's company for a while to get the feel of it and thereafter she planned to get her master's degree.

As she drove, she felt the car jerk a few times and then it came to a full stop. She pulled the key out and tried starting again but it wasn't giving in.

"Are you friggin' kidding me right now." She said to herself.

She pulled out her phone and began dialling roadside assistance, just as someone answered she heard a knock at her window.

She dropped her phone from the shock and as she bent to pick it up off the floor, she heard a voice.

"Hey, is everything alright?" the masculine voice asked.

She grabbed her phone and was about to answer but her words got stuck in her throat as she looked at an awfully familiar face.

His expression pretty much mimicked hers, today when he left his house to head out into the city, he never thought he'd ever bump into Amelia Stanton.

"Amelia?" he asked.

She opened her window. "Yeah, Jarred?"

He smiled. "Yeah, wow I can't believe it's really you."

"I can say the same thing," she said.

She got out of the car and hugged him, it felt good to see a familiar face after so many years.

"I had no idea you were back." Jarred said when she pulled away.

"Yeah, I didn't really tell anyone I was coming back apart from my mom." She sheepishly said.

"Well you look great; I mean your hair is much shorter if I remember correctly but you look really good." Jarred said.

"Thanks, and so do you." She smiled.

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